5 Most Disturbing Amazon Reviews

Following his 2016 arrest, investigators probing the life of suspected mass murderer Todd Kohlhepp made a startling discovery.An Amazon account linked to the man appeared to reveal chilling and ominous clues about his past criminal activities.140 Amazon product reviews were posted in total, and these may be the 5 most disturbing of all.“solid locks.have 5 on a shipping container.wont stop them.but sure will slow them down til they are too old to care” The Kohlhepp case first broke after Kala Brown and her Charles Carver vanished while going to work on Kohlhepp’s rural property.Authorities tracked their cell phone signals to Kohlhepp’s South Carolina home and heard banging sounds during a search.Brown was found begging for help and chained inside a shark cage that was hidden within a padlocked metal shipping container.When rescued, Brown told police that it was too late for her boyfriend and that he had been killed for “having a smart mouth”.“now my locks have locks.place is hotel California now.” Investigators soon learned that Carver had been shot dead and that his body had been dumped further away on the property.Although he hadn’t been locked away like Brown, a second padlock review by Kohlhepp provided an eerie link to Carver’s murder.In it was a reference to “Hotel California,” a song with the lyrics “You can check out any time you like but you can never leave.” Carver’s family had been baffled when the same verse was posted on his Facebook page while he was still missing.Investigators believe Kohlhepp posted the lyrics himself and was the source of other creepy taunting messages to Carver’s family.“getting the neighbor to stand still while you chase him with it is hard enough without having a easy to use chainsaw.” Well before police descended on Kohlhepp, neighbors reportedly complained about his threatening and menacing behavior.Among their concerns was a grainy “spy” pic Kohlhepp had posted online after he stalked an unknown woman walking across his 95-acre property.After finding Carver, crime scene units confirmed the neighbors’ worst fears when 2 additional graves were discovered.“keep in car for when you have to hide the bodies and you left the full size shovel at home.does not come with a midget” “havnet stabbed anyone yet.yet.but I am keeping the dream alive and when I do, it will be with a quality tool like this.” Police don’t believe Kohlhepp ever got to carry out his professed fantasy of killing by knife before he was arrested.But further questioning of Kohlhepp revealed he may have been behind 4 more shooting deaths in 2003.In a confession, Kohlhepp claimed he was responsible for the unsolved murders of 4 employees in the Superbike Motorsports case.Kohlhepp’s relatives suggested he tried to return a motorcycle to the store and was laughed at for not being able to ride it.“its blacker than my soul and priced right” Signs that Kohlhepp would become a serial killer appeared early in his troubled youth and culminated in his arrest at age 15.In 1987, he pled guilty and was sentenced to 15 years in prison after kidnapping and assaulting a young girl at gunpoint.The judge in the case reported that he was “behaviorally and emotionally dangerous and likely could not be rehabilitated.” Now back in prison, Kohlhepp has so far confessed to 7 murders and is a person of interest in several cold cases.SHARE

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