Home > Area Code >> Japan Area Code 81-1428
local websites .jp or .co.jp or.com, 377,727 km² (145,841 miles²) – 125,197,000 people, Land boundaries: 0 km, Coastline: 29,751 km
Japan Phone System : (country code: +81-1428)
local or national:
national prefix 0
area code — or —
(8 to I0 digits)
example ?
different from world standard !
(IDD Int Direct Dial): 00I
or 0033 or 004I or 006I or 007I
or 0075 or 0078 or 0082
calling from Japan
to France
00I 33 I 422I IIII
or 0033 33 I 422I IIII
or 004I 33 I 422I IIII
II rue des IIaIIes
phone information
Emergency ?
Police ?
Fire ?
calling into Japan
+ 8I – (areacode) — — — — (number)(always 8 to I0 digits)Major area codes for Japan : 81-242 / Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima81-240 / Futaba District, Fukushima81-462 / Aiko District, Kanagawa81-1562 / Ashoro District, Hokkaido81-429 / Hanno, Saitama81-966 / Ashikita District, Kumamoto81-573 / Ena District, Gifu81-2808 / Ibarak81-829 / Saeki District, Hiroshima81-572 / Ena District, Gifu81-4996 / Hachioji, Tokyo81-959 / Fukue, Nagasaki81-466 / Fujisawa81-90349 / cellular mobile81-92 / Fukuoka81-854 / Iishi District, Shimane81-273 / Takasaki81-738 / Gobo, Wakayama81-99 / Kagoshima81-839 / Yamaguchi81-779 / Katsuyama, Fukui81-482 / Kawaguchi81-729 / Fujiidera, Osaka81-9437 / Asakura District, Fukuoka81-90341 / cellular mobile81-575 / Gujo District, Gifu81-42 / Tokorozawa81-1538 / Menashi District, Hokkaido81-270 / Isesaki, Gunma81-1462 / Urakawa District, Hokkaido81-539 / Iwata District, Shizuoka81-90409 / cellular mobile81-9302 / Miyako District, Fukuoka81-947 / Nogata, Fukuoka81-77 / Kurita District, Shiga81-1527 / Abashiri District, Hokkaido81-965 / Yatsushiro, Kumamoto81-234 / Akumi District, Yamagata81-824 / Futami District, Hiroshima81-1632 / Teshio District, Hokkaido81-90894 / cellular mobile81-7356 / Nishimuro District, Wakayama81-5368 / Kitashitara District, Aichi81-45 / Yokohama81-594 / Inabe District, Mie81-5362 / Shinshiro, Aichi81-823 / Aki District, Hiroshima81-263 / Higashichikuma District, Nagano81-8514 / Oki District, Shimane81-90882 / cellular mobile81-292 / Naka District, Ibaraki81-6 / Amagasaki81-84762 / Konu District, Hiroshima81-553 / Enzan, Yamanashi81-20 / formerly cellular mobile – now 90281-194 / Kamihei District, Iwate81-245 / Fukushima81-90347 / cellular mobile81-82 / Hiroshima81-1396 / Hiyama District, Hokkaido
Mobile codes for Japan :
About Japan : Capital: Tokyo
divided into 8 regions that are made by 43 ken, the city of Tokyo
and 2 fu, Constitutional Monary
Emperor Akihito the 125th Emperor
(since jan 7 1989)
National holiday: Birthday of Emperor AKIHITO, Dec 23 (1933)
head of the government Prime MinisterEconomy:
GNP $3.15 trillion, GNP/person $24,900, home to 22 out of the I00, home to 104 out of the 500 largest companies of the WorldCurrency:Geography:
Fuji San/Fudijama 3,776 m
access to 2 neighbour countries
that are quite close as an Island Japan has no direct neighbours
west: South Korea
north: Russia
south/east: Parific Ocean