A New Concept reveals that Batteries may Charge in Seconds and Last Long

University of Central Florida students have created a super capacitor battery working prototype that remains as it was before even after getting recharged 30,000 times , research can make it possible that batteries  may last 20 times more than already available lithium ion cell , it can give high capacity and ultra fast charging along with it as claimed by University postdoctoral associate Nitin Choudhary.

These super capacitors are charged very quickly the reason is that they store electricity statically on material surface unlike other batteries which use chemical reactions in which two material sheets holds lots of electrons.

One of the student Yeonwoong Jung from University said that it’s a challenging thing to integrate graphene with materials that are used in super capacitors, that’s why they have to wrap it 2D metal materials. They are just few atoms that are thick around highly conductive 1D nanowires that let electrons move freely from core to shell.  Producing a fast charging material with high energy and power density that is relatively simple to produce. The whole idea is to effectively integrate 2D materials with existing materials by chemical synthesis. He says that this research’s new process “Proof of Concept” is going to get patented. We are unsure that if it could be another one of those battery developments that ended up nowhere.

if this development gets commercialized then I may give an experience with better ranged EV’s that can be charged quickly, a non explosive, long lasting smartphones that can be charged in seconds or give home appliances solution that will significantly reduce reliance on Fossil Fuels.

The research is in early days and not ready for commercialization, but it looks promising.

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