Academic Scholarship Program To Study In USA

Applications are invited for McCloy Academic Scholarship Program to complete a two-year master’s program for future management at Harvard Kennedy School. German, as well as candidates without German citizenship, are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.

In addition to the qualification for public and international organizations, the aim of the program is to promote transatlantic communication and network the McCloy Scholarship holders beyond the two-year joint study program.

The Foundation provides its 14,000 scholarship holders with a wide range of opportunities for scientific deepening, interdisciplinary dialogue and international experience. The sponsors represent the entire breadth and variety of ideological, religious and democratically animated political background and values that they bring into the program offering of the foundation of the Studienstiftung.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue a two-year master degree program at Harvard Kennedy School in the USA.

Study Subject: Scholarships are open to students of all disciplines.

Scholarship Award:

Admission to the StudienstiftungMonthly full scholarship of US $ 1,900, ” (21 months)One-off entry fee of US $ 500, “Travel cost of US $ 1,000, “Complete transfer of the study feesFunded by: Harvard University, McCloy Scholarship Foundation, Founder of the German Science Fund, German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy as administrator of the ERP fund and the Haniel Foundation.

Number of Scholarships: Up to six scholarships are awarded annually.

Scholarship can be taken in the USA

Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

Participation requirements

Open to students of all disciplinesAcademic excellence in a purposeful graduate degree, substantial (international) work experience, communication skills and interest in practice-oriented questionsAt the date of the application date 1 November, the last university degree (including a doctorate) may not be longer than five years. The date of the final certificate appliesMaster, Diploma or Staatsexamen ” at the time of departure with at least “good” (with lawyers “fully satisfactory”) completed, if possible first professional experience. For Bachelor graduates, the Bachelor degree must be at least well completed by the end of the year of the application.Prior funding by the Foundation is not necessaryCandidates without German citizenship can apply if theyHave obtained their university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German foreign school (“Bildungsinländer”)In accordance with the prerequisites set out in §8 BAföG, or have obtained their final degree (Bachelor / Master / Diploma / Staatsexamen) in Germany and are citizens of an EU state or Switzerland.Nationality: German, as well as candidates without German citizenship, are eligible to apply for this scholarship program. (Candidates without German citizenship can apply if they have obtained their university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German foreign school (“Bildungsinländer”)).

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirements: Master, Diploma or Staatsexamen ” at the time of departure with at least “good” (with lawyers “fully satisfactory”) completed, if possible first professional experience. For Bachelor graduates, the Bachelor degree must be at least well completed by the end of the year of the application.

English Language Requirements: Applicants must meet the necessary language proficiency requirements of the host institution.

Germany Scholarships

How to Apply:

The application folders can be downloaded here (download Word file). Please read also the information on the application.The application documents are to be sent in triplicate (in each case with a photograph and signature, perforated and unstitched in the order given by the application form, no duplicate copies) to the following address:Studienstiftung des deutschen VolkesOffice Berlin / McCloy ProgramLars PetersJägerstraße 22 / 2310117 BerlinThe expert reports should be sent by the authors as a pdf document by e-mail ( or by mail directly to Dr. Lars Peters, who should have the letterhead and the signature of the expert Send it together with the cover sheet for McCloy expert opinions. The cover sheet can be downloaded here.All documents Academic Foundation must be received by no later than November 1 availableAfter a pre-selection based on the written documents, a selection seminar is held in Berlin, where the German McCloy Commission decides on the award of scholarshipsApplicants must apply independently for a study place at the Harvard Kennedy School: For the online application at the HKS, the results of TOEFL and GRE / GMAT must be available (deadline: 1.12.). The Kennedy School takes into account the selection decision of the German Commission but decides on admission autonomously.Application Deadline: Scholarship application deadline is November 1, 2017.Previous

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