Add Credit Link In template to protect from Theft

It takes more time to frame the design, edit the picture  and put all of them in to code.In the field of blogging niche newbies just copy and paste the codes and add their names to the credits.They do not respect to the contemplate of designer that a lot of effort had made in making of such templates.That why you have to take some steps to prevent new blogger to remove or customize credit link.Use JavaScript and Div classes which will help you protect your templates and widgets.


1.This JavaScript will help you protect your credits by directly redirecting to your desired page when someone removes the credits.2.The JavaScript is as follows and should be placed before


Things to be know” #mycredit : This is the name of the div class which we will use in our div setup. So if anyone removes this div class they will be redirected to the link highlighted in purple.

” : This is the link where the page will be redirected if the credits are changed or removed.

Once you have edited the javascript given above you can use the below div structure in correspondence with the above script. For this go to STEP 2


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Make sure all the text highlighted in purple are ‘#mycredit’ and text highlighted in red is or the same link that you want to redirect to.


a.Authors (How to Add Different Background Color or Image in Each Blogger Post)could find the div id within the template and then revome the javascript.b.Hence we can hide it by hosting the Javascript files externally.c.Copy this code in notepad

$(document).ready(function(){var aa=$(“#importantlinks”).val();if (aa == null) {window.location.href = “”;};$(“#importantlinks”).attr(“href”,””);


Make necessary changes as suggested in Step1Click on the file menu and click on Save AsNavigate to the file savedNow name your file with .js at end, in Save As type place select ‘All Files’ and in Encoding select ‘UTF8’ that is it.See below

Save it and then go to your browser and go to it one of the reliable yet limited free online inventory.Avoid saving the name as Credit or anything similar as it might help us bluff the copycat.Sign Up or login as per your statusThen upload the file you just created to public folderGet the link and paste it in this code 

Replace link with your dropbox linkFor example

That’s it ! this should help you hide your javascript.THE EDITORS WORDSHowever, this need some div and java script knowledge you can protect your contents some how more encrypted box so any one can not easily steal

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