Beachbody Coaches FAIL

That’s such a harsh word isn’t it, Beachbody Coaches FAIL!

I get asked all the time; How many Beachbody Coaches fail? This is a legit questions, I know it was the FIRST question I had next to, how much is this going to cost me?

The truth is there are no guarantees with Beachbody Coaching because  you only get what you put into this business. If your ONLY definition of success is to make a 6-figure income in 3 months than you will probably be disappointed when I tell you I have never seen that happen. However, let’s look at this another way. Let’s say you join my team and get Insanity Max:30 with Shakeology and you sign up as a coach to save 25% on your monthly order of Shakeology. But, you take it seriously, you get amazing results and deiced to take it a step further and start reading Personal Development and downloading those Pod Cast I am always talking about. You do this consistently for 1 year and you make ZERO sales. You were not in it for that you were just living the vital behaviors. I guarantee in 1 years time you are a more patient partner/parent/friend, you are happier, in better shape, have more energy and just feel better overall. ” Obviously if this is you; YOU NEED TO BE A COACH lol ” but the point I’m making is even IF you make zero dollars you will still have gained your health and a new prospective on life. That is pretty successful in my book.

There is no denying that this business works. There are thousands of people not only making money with Beachbody but they are also helping other people to regain their health, fitness and sense of self worth (at least that is what I regained). It’s easy to call something a fluke when it’s just a couple people but, when thousands of people are doing something… That’s not a fluke that’s a WORKING system!Do some Beachbody Coaches Fail? Absolutely, it happens.

But, let me ask you this;How many people start college and leave with a Bachelor’s Degree? I know, I dropped out after my first year about 50% of us do. How many college athletes transition into Pro Athletes? 3% the other 97% never get signed. What percent of new brick and mortar business fail each year? 8 out of 10 business will go under within the first year so, that is roughly 80%. How many MMA fights actually get that professional fighting contract?

Anything worth achieving take dedication, hard-work, sacrifice and consistency. Being a successful Beachbody Coach takes work. It’s the little things everyday that add up later. Like working on your business instead of watching TV. It’s taking the time to invite people to join your groups, reaching out to help people and just actively working your business instead of goofing off on Reditt all night ” we have all been there a time or two. (save that for the bathroom time phone browsing)

If you want to be a successful Beachbody Coach than you need to focus your time on the things successful Beachbody Coaches are doing. Don’t waste your energy on placing blame on why things don’t work. Set high goals and take steps everyday to make them happen.

Also See: 5 Must Read Tip for Beachbody Coaches Enjoy this blog? Please spread the word 🙂

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