Wow! What a year it has been! The Busy B Homemaker was established in January of 2014, and we’ve made it through a very exciting, yet tough 365 days (less about 3 weeks)! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. It seems like they get shorter and shorter each year! Anyone else with me here?
With the end of my first year of blogging I have decided to recap my Top 10 posts of 2014. These are the 10 posts that you all loved the most, and I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, liking, sharing, pinning, and tweeting about them so everyone else could see! This blog would not be possible without all of you awesome fans! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this dream a reality , Without further adieu, the Top 10:
10. One of my favorites to make and write, this post barely made the top 10, but it was a good one! Building a Mini EDC kit (for a College girl who doesn’t care about being Prepared!) I made this kit for my new-freshman-in-college little sister as a graduation gift, and she loved it!
9. This post I originally wrote as a guest post for Julie over at Home Ready Home, so I’ll link you to her site. It got pretty popular for her, too! How to Make Homemade Bread in the Crockpot
8.DIY Reusable Dryer Sheets. A quick, simple, and environmentally friendly way to do laundry AND save money!
7. All about my Wisdom Teeth Extraction and how I was able to overcome the pain and healing process with natural remedies.
6. 21 Things to Text your Husband to Make him Smile. I was actually very surprised that this post made the top 10. I wrote it sort of haphazardly as an afterthought and it took off like a rocket! My husband loved it, too! haha
5. I wrote “The Ultimate Guide to Prescription medications for Self-Reliant families” to go along with my post about my first aid kit. It talks about my recommendations for when, how, and why to hoard certain medications for your family.
4. This tutorial on how to sew a DIY Camera Strap Cover (padded and lined with a lens cap pocket) was also much more popular than I had imagined. It has come in handy over the past year, and it was a cinch to make! I even made a few extra just because!
3. A step by step, item by item overview of my husband’s Get Home Bag.
2. DIY Tea Light Oven for Off-Grid Cooking… My all-time favorite DIY project! This little booger only took me a couple hours to finish and cost less than $40! It makes some mean cookies, too! ,
And my NUMBER ONE, most loved post for 2014 was my Nurse’s Fully Stocked Medical Kit, which I designed for all of you self-reliant families out there! Don’t forget to print out the free PDF checklist! ,2015 Word of the Year
Last year, instead of making up (and forgetting about) new years resolutions, I chose a word to focus on throughout the year that I could continually go back to and sharpen my ambitions/goals. My word of the year last year was “Prepare,” and I backed it with one of my favorite bible verses: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; Consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers food at harvest.” We posted this verse on the fridge and I saw it every time I went to get something to eat ,
2014 was certainly a great year for preparedness in the B Household! We have increased our preps via food, tools, skills, and knowledge, and blogging at The Busy B Homemaker has helped me to teach others about preparedness as well!
For 2015 I have decided that my Word of the Year will be “Persevere.” In a time when I am just tired… tired of prepping, tired of writing, tired of dealing with “The terrible twos,” tired of working, tired of being so far away from my family…. I want to remind myself that these years DO go by quickly, and that I need to persevere and push through the fog. I want to focus on my blog, and write more! Work more (not more often, just more diligently) so I can get experience towards my dream career, spend more time with my sweet toddler, and cherish the time I do get to spend with him, even though he’s been incredibly cranky and whiny these past few days/weeks 😉 I want to persevere in our financial life (get through our debt snowball so we can start saving up enough money to purchase our dream home/land), and make the most of my time here in Oklahoma before we are able to move closer to my family again. My verse this year will be James 1:4 “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” It’s going on the fridge today!
What will YOUR one word be this year?More Great Posts
Thanks for joining me on my journey towards self-sufficiency. I’ll see you with new adventures in 2015!