Clearing the DNS Cache on Browsers

Last Post is Clearing the DNS Cache on Computers and Servers Hope you guys enjoyed!But it not completely make your computer like freshly.Let do some tip under below,It recommended
The following table provides instructions for clearing the DNS cache within common Internet browsers.Internet BrowserClear the DNS CacheInternet Explorer 8 (Win) Go to the Tools menu, select Delete Browsing History, check all boxes (except passwords, if desired) and click Delete. Mozilla Firefox (Win & Mac) Go to the Tools menu, select Clear Recent History and check all boxes. Under Time range to clear select Everything (except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Now.Apple Safari (Win) Expand the Cog Icon in the upper right corner and select Reset Safari. Check all boxes and click Reset.Apple Safari (Mac) Go to the Safari menu, select Reset Safari, check all boxes and click Reset.Google Chrome (Win) Expand the Wrench Icon in the upper right corner and select History and check all boxes. Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything (except passwords, if desired) and click Clear Browsing Data.Google Chrome (Mac) Under Go to the Chrome menu, select Clear Browsing Data and check all boxes (except passwords, if desired). Under Clear data for this time period, select Everything and click Clear Browsing Data.
I just hope you would find this tutorial easy and yet exciting. Please let me know if you need any help

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