Email Claims Tim Cook Confirms Ship Date for Apple’s Air Pods

Since iPhone 7 release its users got angered by their new audio port issue, there was a big debate and users were angered by this update as there were no replacements available for users then. Now people have to go through alternatives and its been 3.5 months Apple CEO Tim Cook announced to release a solution for jack-less iPhones. This delay had forced owners of Phone to rely on alternative solutions in market like owning a adapter to connect Apple own headphones.

This delay had rolled many rumors out that there is no solution coming out and its just a delaying tactic used by Apple to force its Costumers to forget about that or go for alternatives, while other claiming that solution will come up in 2017. Multiple people with different views had made its owners get panicked or feel being cheated since they missed their deadline.

Just now an Update related to Apple Air Pods that wait is finally over and they are about to release their solution. There is a Report coming out from Mac Rumors about Apple CEO’s email that reveals that they are shipping it over next few weeks.Costumer Complained:

“Give us a release date. I really bought in to the wireless vision you painted. Now I’m stuck waiting with my EarPods but can’t charge my 7 at the same time which I need to do at work. Let us know if it’s a month or 6 months, because then I’ll just buy some other wireless headphones.”Tim Cook responded:

“Thanks for your note. Sorry for the delay”we are finalizing them and I anticipate we will begin to ship over the next few weeks.”

Though email is not verifiable and is not representing legitimacy itself, which itself is not satisfying for many and if there is question asked about it response is not exact.

Original Plan to Roll out Air Pods was in October and since then its delayed and now rumors supporting logics that they will there for use in 2017. Yet its tough to sell Air Pods with 150 $ price tag on it.

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