Google Launches its New VR Headset Daydream

Google Launches VR (Virtual Reality) product Day dream, extensive platform is now available just for 79 USD its simple and big step from cardboard, google cardboard was cheap and available to everyone but there was feeling of Robustness in it it was not comfortable and arrangement of whole view was not there at all. Google new approach had made it possible that Daydream View has adopted a design that fits with apparels then its previous robot look rather it fits with what we wear and fits with look and feel.

Headset comes with strap to fit all maybe it wont fit on some individual’s head. However, when its resting on your face its weight is same like the previous one but it feels comfortable even with some extra pixel XL added in it. There are no ports, plugins, cords on Daydream it looks more like a case than VR device and you just need to put phone in and rest is all done by VR itself

The headset is comfortable when it’s resting on your face. The weight is comparable to other mobile headsets even with the somewhat chunky Pixel XL loaded in. Speaking of which, there are not ports, no plug-ins, no cords on the View. The headset is more of a phone case than it is a VR device, at least in the terms we’ve been used to. You really just pop the phone into the headset and everything else is taken care of.

Daydream VR comes with a controller that allows user to get interacted with device. It’s a free moving device that just tracks the movements and you get total control of view in your hand it may remind you Nintendo Wii, it has a clicking option too and comes with touch pad and clickable buttons to deal with complex movements.

Battery timing is great and lasts several days even after consistent or heavy use of it.

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