I love Iced Coffee and was inspired to ditch the morning caffeine for this deliciously Healthy Energy and Focus Cappuccino Protein Smoothie! I poured coconut milk into ice cube trays to create coconut milk ice cubes. This blends into a creamy and cold smoothie that is perfect. I use coconut milkbecause coconuts are highly nutritious and rich in fiber, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6 and minerals including iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.
Fresh pineapple is in this smoothie and I suggest cutting it up and putting it in the freezer for a few hours before blending. The frozen pineapple blends better and keeps the smoothie colder for longer. Pineapple is an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese, which is an essential cofactor in a number of enzymes important in energy production and antioxidant defenses. In addition to manganese, pineapple is a good source of thiamin, a B vitamin that acts as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions central to energy production making pineapples essential for an energy boost. Plus pineapple adds Vitamin C and fiber into your smoothie too!Vibrant Health is all organic and their Green Vibrance provides trace nutrients that should help each cell to function at peak efficiency. When we push each cell toward peak efficiency through diet and supplementation, the result is increased energy and endurance, greater clarity of thought, more robust immunity, and a general shift in all bodily functions toward the ideal.
As a nutrient, protein performs many functions in the body. An adequate dietary protein intake is important for building, maintaining and repairing body tissues. The body’s structural components, such as skin, muscles, bones, and organs, are made up in large part by protein. Many hormones and enzymes that function to regulate body processes and chemical reactions are made of protein. Protein is also used to make antibodies to fight disease. If you do not consume enough carbohydrates and fats, proteins can also supply your body with energy. When we don’t have enough protein, we may experience loss of muscle mass that can cause physical weakness, fatigue, and a weakened immune system.Nuzest Protein in Creamy Cappuccino is organic and vegan! Plus Nuzest is a complete 100% vegetable protein with all 9 essential amino acids, 98% digestible, alkaline, and high in glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid important for post exercise recovery and prevention of muscle loss.Cinnamon is a natural anti-inflammatory and Anti-Microbial which have been shown to stop many types of fungal and bacterial growth.
“Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties are so effective that recent research demonstrates this spice can be used as an alternative to traditional food preservatives.” ” whfoods.comCinnamon is a powerful antioxidant and also helps to control blood sugar.Chia, Buckwheat, Hemp mix is a power trio full of plant-based Protein, Fiber and ALA Omegas. Boost your nutrition and feel the energy from this powerful, functional, and nutritious superfood. Chia, Maca, Cacao Mix is an ancient blend that provides 2.2g of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) per serving, an Omenga-3 essential fatty acid that helps support normal cardiovascular function and 4g of fiber per serving which helps support normal functioning of the digestive tract and healthy lipids.
Enjoy all the benefits within this smoothie to feel Supercharged!Healthy Energy and Focus Cappuccino Protein SmoothieIngredients:
4 Coconut Milk Ice Cubes
1/2 Coconut Milk
2 cups Pineapple
1 scoop Vibrant Health Green Vibrance
1 packet Nuzest Protein Creamy Cappuccino
1 tbsp Cinnamon
2 tbsp Chia, Buckwheat, Hemp Mix
4 tbsp Chia, Maca, Cacao MixGarnish:
1/4 cup Coconut FlakesEquipment:
I used a Vitamix to blend this smoothie but any blender can do the job.Directions:
Add coconut milk, coconut milk ice cubes, and pineapple to blender. Blend until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Makes 1 serving.Check out this Spirulina and Maca bowl for Energy too!
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Andrea Uhl
Hi! Thank you for reading my posts! I’m a healthy hippie who loves smoothies! If you would like to connect, reach out to me on Facebook or Instagram at @hippie_smoothies
So many good vibes coming your way!