How to Make Money with Link Shorteners?

Have you ever thought of the science behind those compressed URLs? Have you ever been misguided to a wrong website via short links? Well! That’s all the game of link shorteners.

Url photo

Not only this, link shorteners do much more productive stuff which you might not have thought about even in your wildest dreams. So let’s look up at some link-shortener stuff which will actually raise your eyebrows.

Commonly, they are used to save space, hide a desired URL and above of all- to make a colossal amount of cash. Now don’t fret about earning money, I’ll navigate your boat to a wealthy shore of precious jewels. But bear in mind, that there are some specific link shorteners which pay you if you add a layer to a classic shortener. The layer is added between the compressed URL and the targeted destination, and this is how the monetary episode of link shorteners commences.

When a visitor hits a click on a shortened link, he/she is directed to an intermediate advertising page periodically after which a visitor is directed to the targeted destination.

Choosing the best link shorteners:

Choosing a credible name in a market overloaded with plethora of brands is undoubtedly a tough job. Therefore, I spent extensive hours blended with immense hard work and industriousness to ascertain some brands, which I reckon will not let you regret afterwards (if you try them).

Finally, I came up with four hallmarks namely:

  • LinkShrink

The ultimate objective of data analysis is to calculate the net profit and make decisions about the future. Henceforth, it is imperative to consider that how much unique clicks you got? How much visitors viewed the advertisement? And how much you earned via those visits?

If one knows how many unique visits are sent (can be checked via Google Analytics) to a shortener, then it is pretty much convenient to evaluate shortener’s performance. This way the performance of each shortener, also known as eCPM, can be calculated by simply dividing total earnings by total number of impressions in thousands. The results of this formula depicts per impression’s earning.

Having said that, I drew up a conclusion that stood first in the race of ECPM and earnings as I earned $4.04 for each one thousand visitors, while clinched the second spot and LinkShrink has to stand third unconditionally, since I tried later on.

Anyhow, when I analyzed the critics again, I was re-confirmed with a true copy of exactly similar results along with a horrible episode of’s earnings, which fell even below lowest benchmark of LinkShrink, thus hardly making any attempt to be pocket-friendly for me.

Well! This was my rating based on authentic tests and deep research. If you know of any other link shorteners that stands a notch above the above mentioned ones, then kindly share your experience with us so that we too can wash off our cars in champagne.


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