I Read it for You! Duct Tape 911 (A Review)

“All of life’s problems can be solved with two things”duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn’t, you need duct tape. And if it doesn’t move and it should, you need WD40.” How true is this statement? haha , It’s true on some levels, for sure, but have you ever thought of using duct tape to put yourself back together? Dr. James Hubbard, “The Survival Doctor,” has written a book about just that! It’s called “Duct Tape 911: The Many Amazing Medical Things You Can Do to Duct Tape Yourself Together.”About the Book

“When you sprain your ankle on a hike. When a hurricane floods your neighborhood”and chemical-laden waters block your route to safety. When your wedding ring’s stuck on your finger and cactus spines are stuck in your feet. When you’re having the worst. day. ever. … tape yourself together!

In “Duct Tape 911,” you’ll learn how to save lives and survive for days on end with various medical problems when you can’t get professional help”all with everyone’s favorite does-it-all supply. You’ll get easy-to-follow instructions”straight from The Survival Doctor”for how to use duct tape to:

Make eyeglasses”lenses and all (using pinhole technology to focus vision)

Remove a ring from a swollen finger and cactus spines from a foot

Make an ankle brace, wrist splint, and sling

Close a deep wound to prevent infection

Remove a wart

Protect your skin from waterborne diseases during a flood

Make a tourniquet

Stop a lung from collapsing

… and more!

This unique, do-it-yourself guide is for handymen and handywomen, survivalists and campers, knowledge buffs, health fanatics, and everyone who wants to be prepared. After a natural disaster, while camping, or when the grid goes down, you may not have the best medical supplies. So get your hands on some duct tape, and tape yourself together!”About the Author“Dr. James Hubbard, MD, MPH, is one of the nation’s foremost survival medicine experts. At his popular website, thesurvivaldoctor.com, he writes about how to survive medical problems during a disaster or whenever expert help is impossible to get. Dr. Hubbard’s evidence-based tips are a combination of modern medicine, makeshift treatments, and Grandma’s home remedies. He’s been a family doctor for over 30 years.”What I Liked

This book was catchy, and informative! It hit all of the major first aid categories and highlighted duct tape as the solution for all of them! How convenient that you can use one simple tool to fix so many medical issues!

The illustrations were cute and simple yet detailed enough that even a non-medical person could easily follow them, and the layout of the book was well organized. It’s easy to flip through and find what you’re looking for.

I tried a few out on my husband, and he was pleasantly surprised by how well the duct tape worked in place of the usual medical materials. I made him some duct tape glasses, an ankle splint, and an ankle wrap. All three were a success! He LOVES being my guinea pig by the way 😉

I highly recommend a copy of this book for yourPrepper Library. It will be a valuable resource for those times when traditional medical supplies are not available (Think: backpacking, camping, being a parent (specifically of boys…collapse of society…:) and will allow you to exercise some imagination when coming up with medical solutions.What I Didn’t Like

I loved the whole book! Nothing to see here…Moving along….Where Can I Get it?

You can buy “Duct Tape 911: The Many Amazing Medical Things you can Do to Tape Yourself Together” from Amazon!What About You

Have you ever used Duct Tape as a Medical aid? Do you own or have you read Dr. Hubbard’s book? What are your thoughts?

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