I Tried it For You! Lifestraw GO! A Review and GIVEAWAY!

How many of you have tried the infamousLifestraw? It’s one of my favorite survival gadgets! Not only because I believe water is so important, but also because I love the simplicity and ease of use. And at $20 a pop ($14.99 on sale every now and then!) They’re hard to pass up! The only thing I DIDN’T like about the Lifestraw was that you couldn’t bring the water with you unless you had a separate container. Puddles aren’t exactly portable no matter how important they may be. If you’re on the move and don’t have a good water canteen or other device to take water with you then you’re straight out of luck! You’ll just have to keep going and hope to find more water sources along you’re route.Enter the Lifestraw Go!

This nifty little device has all of the convenience and fantastic filtering technology of the Lifestraw in a sleek, stylish water bottle! I’m a water bottle fanatic. Just ask my husband. They are literally spilling out of the cabinet when you open the door, and this one fits riiiiight in to my little collection. ,

I first tried it out with clean water from my pre-filtered fridge water. Nothing unusual there!


Then, I tried it from the neglected doggie swimming pool in the backyard. Look at that nasty stuff. Ick. But I filled my Lifestraw Go up with water straight from that filth hole, no filtering, no picking bugs out, nothing. And…..I drank it! Guess what? I didn’t die! Woo! Not only that, but it didn’t taste any different than the water from my fridge! Impressive to say the least!What I Like

The bottle itself is cute and stylish! I love the blue color, and the fact that it fits in a standard size cupholder, yet has a wide-mouth lid.

The nylon strap and carabiner clip are both sturdy and well-made, making this an easy addition to your BOB.

It works. Obviously, I didn’t inhale a bug while drinking from the doggie swimming pool and other than the warmer temperature, the taste was comparable to my fridge water.

Like a Lifestraw, this filter will clean up to 1,000 liters of water down to 0.2 microns, and when it’s done, you will be unable to use it anymore. (I love this because there is absolutely no question when your water is still clean vs. contaminated. If the filter doesn’t work anymore, you will not be able to drink from it anymore. The end.)

It’s easy to use! Some filter water bottles you have to suck really hard to get any water out, but this filter is incredibly simple. It really is just like sipping from a straw. My son isn’t even 2 yet and he has no problems drinking from this filter.

Unlike the original Lifestraw, replacement filters are going to be available for this product later this year so that the whole bottle does not need to be replaced.

The bottle is BPA-free and made of Triton, a durable, safe plastic. It is leak-proof, and sturdy; able to withstand extreme temperatures and rough terrain.

Buy one, give one! Every time you buy a LifeStraw Go, a second filter bottle is donated to a child in need.What I Didn’t Like

The bite valve is a bit harder than your typical Camelback bottle, but still comfortable to use, and as mentioned earlier, the straw part is easy to use.

The price point is a little bit steep compared to the original Lifestraw; however, it is in line with other quality water bottles on the market, and with the added technology of the Lifestraw filter, I believe it to be very reasonable.Where to Get One

You can find the Lifestraw Go at Eartheasy.com, Amazon, or many outdoors retailers like Bass Pro Shop, Gander Mountain, and Cabelas. You can also enter to WIN one for free below!

This giveaway is sponsored by Eartheasy.com. Please see my disclaimer about product reviews and affiliate links. This Lifestraw Go giveaway is open to any resident who is 18 years of age or older who lives in one of the 48 US Contiguous States. This giveaway starts on Monday, Oct. 13th at 12:00 am (CST) and ends on Monday, Oct. 20th at 12:00 am (CST). The winner will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond. If I do not hear back from said winner in the designated time period of 24 hours I will choose another winner and they will have 24 hours to respond from the time the notification email is sent. Please check your SPAM email folders. Good luck to everyone! Let’s be prepared for the unexpected! ,a Rafflecopter giveawayTrackbacks

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