Toggle navigationWhiz Review.com09 August 2016On sale for $20.0Purchase he by the case and saves! Regular price = $10.99 each. Price of case = $9.00 each x 6.INDUSTRO **WELD Is J-B WELD in a tend economic-container of measure that contains two 5-oz. It tubes. The professional in a lot of industries use it to fix, bond, or fill — in the tent, factory, or field. **INDUSTRO **WELD Does strong, permanent repairs when hot welding isnt possible or practical.What does it work?INDUSTRO WELD Includes two tubes. I join it contains liquid steel/epoxy resin, and the another contains **hardener. When mixed joint in equal portions, a reaction chemistry occurs that turns the mix to a compound as I last and last like steel — and with similar properties.Which the bond to?Virtually any combination of iron, steel, copper, aluminium, brass, bronze, **pewter, **porcelain, ceramic, marble, glass, plastic, concrete, **fiberglass, wood, tissue, paper — just on any porous and material no porous.Similar Items* link 1* link 2* link 3
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