My good friend Chris from The Bug Out Bag Guide has graciously written a fantastic guide on how to create your very own Bug Out Plan! And what better time to get your bug out plan in order than right before you travel for the holidays! (Make sure you have back up plans for your temporary locations, too!) , Chris has some great advice for you here on why you need a Bug Out Plan for your family, with step by step tips and tricks to get it all done. It’s not fancy or even difficult, but oh, so necessary! Thanks to Chris for hashing it all out for us!MAKING A BUG OUT PLAN
A huge number of people who hear about the prepper lifestyle don’t really appreciate the time and effort put towards preparation of you and your loved ones in order to survive an unforeseen disaster. Thorough preparation is not all about going online and buying survival gear or tailoring a bug out bag that will suit your needs.
Preparing oneself involves good planning, practice and proper organization. In order to be fully prepared, one needs to have a comprehensive bug out plan that can cover the basic points and be flexible enough to operate in a dynamic environment. Below are some basic tips that can be used to build an effective and comprehensive bug out plan that will help you and your loved ones survive an unforeseen disaster.Identify and Assess Likely Threats and Scenarios
Identifying and knowing your risks is the first step to building a realistic and effective bug out plan. Once you know your risks, you can then start planning on how to mitigate them.
Look at the disasters that have previously occurred in your area and assess the threats you might be vulnerable to. Such threats and disasters may include a terror attack, floods, earthquakes and even an outbreak of a disease. Performing a risk analysis will help build a good plan, eliminate the bad options and make the good options more apparent.Get to Know Who Is Bugging Out With You
Though it may seem obvious, it is important to know whom you’ll be bugging out with. After including essential members (family
and friends), try to limit the size of your group.
A large group when bugging out is not advisable. This is because such groups will require more funding, make more noise and draw unnecessary attention.
If your group must include more than 5 people, try to break it into smaller groups so as to speed up movement and enhance quick decision making. Appoint a team leader for every group and assess the strength and weaknesses of every member of the group. This will help balance the teams. You can even make use of the buddy system where everyone has a partner to watch their back.Establish a Meeting Point
When disaster strikes, it is more likely that you and your family not all be together waiting for it to happen. Some may be at work, others at school and some at home. In order to avoid panic, confusion and family members searching for each other in the midst of disaster, make sure to establish a meeting point for all members.
The meeting point should be easily accessible and safe enough in case of any likely scenario identified in your risk assessment. When establishing a meeting point, make sure to use a specific location rather than generalizing the location. For example, if you plan to meet at school, choose a specific room or area within the school compound. This will help minimize confusion. Once all group members arrive, you can then start the evacuation process together.Have a specific destination
The next step is to pick a safe specific destination. Get to know the safest direction based on likely disasters and your local geography to move in and consider any locations available where you can store your survival supplies. Some even go a step further and purchase property in an area they perceive to be insulated from likely disasters. Such locations will then serve as bug out destination.Plan Multiple Routes
Having only a single route to your bug out destination is a recipe for failure. If that route becomes inaccessible due to some unavoidable reasons,
then all your plans and preparations would have gone to waste.
To avoid such situations, one needs to plan for a number of routes and transport options. Some routes may require you to climb, run, swim or go around something. As part of your preparations, make sure all the group members are able to accomplish all the tasks required to traverse your intended routes.Establish communication methods
Even after assessing all possible scenarios, you can never be 100% sure with disasters. Some threats that you never thought of or never expected may just spring up and find you unprepared. It is in such situations that a pre-established communication method will come in handy.
Proper communication methods and protocols will help you and you members pass out information as required to quickly adapt your plans to the unexpected. In a disaster, a cell network or face to face communication may not be available. This means that you have to designate both primary and alternate communication methods.
Decide the best alternative communication method that works best for you. If possible, agree upon code words or signs that can be used to pass out vital information without others eavesdropping. Whichever codes you come up with, make sure that all the team members are familiar with them and they suit your survival situation.Other Things to Consider
If you have decide to set up a bug out location, seek to store survival supplies such as water, food and clothes. This will help lighten the amount of luggage you will have to carry when disaster strikes.
It is important to have emergency contact information of all your family members and relevant government organizations. This list of contacts should then be distributed to all group members.
Know all the limiting factors that any of your members may come with. If you’ll be going with any elderly, very young or disabled person, you will need to take this into consideration as they may affect your traveling speed and resources. Ensure you plan your speed at the rate of the slowest person you’ll be moving with.Click Here to Download a FREE Bug Out Plan Template to create your very own, personalized Bug Out Plan!
As you can see, having a bug out plan is does not need to be a complex process. It does not take much to prepare and plan for an effective evacuation. Make sure that all the party members fully understand what is contained in the plan BEFORE a disaster strikes and distribute a copy or two more to all the members of your party. If possible, you can even practice meeting at your rally point and moving as a group. This will help iron out any issues that may arise in the plan. Always remember, it never hurts getting prepared, so start today!What About You?
Do you have a bug out plan for your family? What changes will you make after reading this article?photo credit: p medved via photopincc
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Chris Ruiz is a lifelong outdoorsman and has been interested in survival tactics and practices for many years. He currently helps people prepare for unforeseen disasters at The Bug Out Bag Guide. For more information on disaster preparedness, emergency planning, survival skills, every day carry, or picking bug out gear, please visit: