MyUnfair Advantage Membership Training/Course

MyUnfair Advantage By Omar and Melinda Martin Review ” My Unfair Advantage is a membership website that contains just about everything we’ve ever done online. This is by far the most robust membership site we’ve ever seen and it includes training, software, website templates, scripts, tools and so much more. The best part about being an MUA member is that everyone gets LIVE weekly group coaching! This is something that we’ve been doing since 2010! Yes, we have done over 330 episodes, and we keep adding each week! These are actual live training calls where we teach online marketing tactics that are working for us RIGHT NOW. We also do weekly live streaming in our private Facebook group. This is as cutting edge as it gets, REAL coaching, REAL presentations not a bunch of podcasting interview bullshit. Our members LOVE this site because it is a community of marketers with everything you need under one roof!MyUnfair Advantage is a membership website that contains just about everything we’ve ever done online. This is by far the most robust membership site we’ve ever seen and it includes training, software, website templates, scripts, tools and so much more. The best part about being an MUA member is that everyone gets LIVE weekly group coaching! This is something that we’ve been doing since 2010! Yes, we have done over 330 episodes, and we keep adding each week! These are actual live training calls where we teach online marketing tactics that are working for us RIGHT NOW. We also do weekly live streaming in our private Facebook group. This is as cutting edge as it gets, REAL coaching, REAL presentations not a bunch of podcasting interview bullshit. Our members LOVE this site because it is a community of marketers with everything you need under one roof!MyUnfair Advantage membership includes 6 MINI COURSES covering List Building, Product Creation, Sales Pages, Membership Sites, Affiliate Marketing & Product Launching. Each member automatically gets access to all of our core products, plugins, and software. Internet Selling For Newbies, Rapid Profit System, Buzzinar, Funnel Boss, Content Nitrous & more! MyUnfair Advantage by Omar and Melinda also includes a brand new UNIQUE PLR product library with over 50 products and new ones being added constantly. This is QUALITY CONTENT produced in-house by us and includes artwork and source files valued at thousands of dollars each! PLUS…….During this weekend blowout, anyone that becomes a member will also receive a $197 VALUE Ticket to attend our LIVE EVENT in Orlando, Florida in March of 2018! Members will also receive access to the recordings of the live event in the members’ area!

Who is Omar and Melinda Martin?

Omar and Melinda Martin is successful Internet Marketing Couples, they spend a decade in internet marketing and now they have launched dozens of products, and have got thousands of successful students, they also have gotten hundreds of testimonials from people that have been able to add value to their lives using the product, tools and strategies that launched. If thousands of people felt that, today let they know your personally and helping you grow your business as well.Here’s Just A Portion Of What You Will Get Inside MUA:”LIVE WEEKLY COACHINGThe most unique, engaging and informative training webinar on the internet takes place LIVE every Thursday at 9:00 PM EST. These PRIVATE episodes are between 2-4 hours of PURE CONTENT with new topics and questions answered weekly! We do an actual presentation on a current marketing topic each week which is recorded and put into the archives.”LIVE PRIVATE SIMULCASTWe’re not just a voice behind a webinar screen. We interact with our audience during every weekly coaching session. You’ll feel like you’re sitting in the room next to us as we simulcast our weekly coaching webinar LIVE to our private Facebook group audience. This is where you get the behind the scenes learning as we cover weekly housekeeping and trending topics.”THE MUA COACHING ARCHIVESIt’s all recorded and stored in the MUA membership site. Our students never miss a minute of the weekly coaching because each episode is immediately stored in our training vault for easy access later. This is super convenient because members can attend Live or watch the replay at any time. These archives go way back to April of 2010!”PEER TO PEER SUPPORT SYSTEMWe’ve built more than just a product here. Over the years, MUA has become A FAMILY. Members NEVER feel like they’re building a business alone with access to our private group. MUA is a tightly-knit family of successful marketers and online entrepreneurs just like YOU. Our group is AWESOME and we love to help each other! Every single weekly coaching call is summarized and posted in the Facebook group as well!Plus… All These BONUS Mini Course”STEP BY STEP PRODUCT CREATIONThis course walks the viewer through the creation of a digital information product from scratch IN ONE DAY. Members can over Omar’s shoulder as he starts from a blank screen and literally creates a product and sales process right on your screen in a matter of hours! Warning: This mini course will elimante all your product creation excuses.”LIST BOLTThis mini course reveals the techniques that Omar uses to create audiences and build subscriber lists. Just ONE tactic revealed in this video can add hundreds of subscribers to your list THIS WEEK. The cool thing about having access to this cours is that THIS was the product created in the Product Creation Mini Course above! Watch the video and download all the resources from for List Bolt inside the MUA members area.”KICK ASS SALES PAGESThis is 100% hardcore online sales training at its best folks. “Marketing” just isn’t enough. You MUST learn how to sell and that’s done online with SALES PAGES. In this course, Omar teaches you the exact ways to sell different types of products to various types of audiences. And thats not all, this minicourse includes tha actual templates we used for each! You’ll love his sales templates!”MEMBERSHIP SITE MINI COURSEMelinda rolled her sleeves up and took control in this minicourse! You’ll be blown away when you see how easy it is to create a recurring income with membership sites. This step-by-step videos will make you an expert at creating password protected membership sites with WordPress! This series is an absolute gold mine because it will make recurring income quick and painless for you to create with membership sites!”LAUNCH SUPERSTAR & AFFILIATE SUPERSTARThe “Superstar” training series is a relly fun and entertaining learning experience. Join Omar, Melinda and the OWNERS OF JVZOO in a series of 6 videos that will uncover the secret tips and tricks used by millionaire marketers to make BANK on JVZoo through both Product Launching AND Affiliate Marketing! This course will force you to look at marketing from a whole new perspective. The MONEY perspective.

“And You Also Get Full Access To All These Core Products!

“Rapid Profit SystemThis Simple $336 Per Day System Will Have You Laughing All the Way To The Bank… This Works Even If You’re A Brand-Spanking Newbie With No Skills, No Website And No Experience!

“ISFN (The newbie Guide To Internet Marketing)Discover The Secret Strategy To Build A Reliable $23,774.56 Per Month Online Business… Even If You’re A Broke Struggling Newbie!

“Funnel BossCopy This Secret Process Used By Experts Behind The Scenes To Make Millions Online… Grab Your Copy Right Now ” Start Learning These Methods Instantly!

“BuzzinarViral Traffic Getting System & Software Makes $396,126.01 Per Year On Autopilot Commissions… Use This To Build A Big & Profitable List Super Fast!

“Content NitrousTiny Little Copy & Paste Code Effortlessly Created Over $766,025.92…And Now You Can Inject This Powerful Code Into Your Websites!Need Additional Bonuses?

Just look to the pict below, i have 500MB bonuses for you… FREE!! How this powerful product that can bring you to the next level in the next year… Don’t miss this Black Friday Opportunity.

BONUS #1 ONLINE INCOME AUTOMATIONWhen it comes to making money online, we all want to know how to attract money month after month without lifting a finger, or more commonly known as money on auto pilot. Let us show you how!

BONUS #2 LITTLE MARKETING SECRETSIn this never-before-released training session, Omar pulls out his “little purple book” of internet marketing secrets that help you make the difference between a super affiliate and a struggling affiliate.

BONUS #3 COLLECTING MONEY ONLINEHere you’ll learn about collecting money online and the different ways that you can accomplish this. We’ll go over the best ways to collect money online and the concerns you should have when collecting money.

BONUS #4 SALES PAGE ELEMENTSThere are different types of sales pages / sales letters. Here you’ll learn about those differences and why hybrids currently our perform the other. We’ll explain what the components of the page are and how they work.

BONUS #5 EASY SALES PAGE TESTINGThis might shock you, but things that look awesome to you probably don’t convert for the masses! You could be leaving thousands of dollars on the table in lost sales if you are not testing properly. You’re about to learn exactly how to get the most out of your sales pages, and it’s going to be easier than you think! This is going to elevate your game, make you a better internet marketer, and increase your profits.

BONUS #6 THE 5 IMPORTANT QUESTIONSDo you know these 5 important questions that every internet marketer should be asking themselves? The answers to the questions that I give in this training are based on my experiences and the struggles that I’ve gone through to build my business, and how they helped develop my success. This is NEED to know info!

BONUS #7 BEHIND THE SCENES OF A 6 FIGURE LAUNCHWe’re going to take you behind the scenes of a six figure launch. Like with anything else, there’s steps that you have to take in order to make sure that you have a six figure launch. Let us show you how.

BONUS #8 THE 5 KEYS TO BRANDINGBuilding a business requires an audience and obviously building an audience requires a strategy. How can people trust you, and want to buy from you, if they don’t even recognize you? Delve into this video lesson to learn: What are the best ways to brand yourself, and how do you get your customers attention in a crowded market place.

BONUS #9 AFFILIATE MARKETING VS PRODUCT CREATIONThe age old question, who came first, the chicken or the egg? When it comes to making money online, many new marketers struggle with this conundrum, “Should I start with affiliate marketing, or create my own products?” Well, you don’t have to worry anymore, the answer you’ve been looking for are right inside this training topic as Omar settles this tough question.

BONUS #10 ; RETAINING AND RECRUITING AFFILIATESHere we’re going to talk about recruiting and retaining affiliates. There’s two parts to it, you got to recruit them, you got to get them on board, and then you’ve got to retain the right people as affiliates.


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Brand NameHigh Level Strategies

Product NameMyUnfair Advantage

PriceUSD 37

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