I feel like my blog titles are so long. I haven’t mastered how to captivate my audience in fewer words… work in progress
One of my goals this year was to read 1 personal development book a month. Mike had been reading personal development books pretty consistently over the past few months and when he set the goal to read 1 per week I knew I had to step up my PD game and get in on this reading goal. I began with the book that had been referred to me a thousand times.
Go Pro by Eric Worre ~ This was an amazing book that taught me how to communicate with my customers in a way that provide them with valuable information without sounding like I only wanted to make a sale. I do in fact recommend it as the first personal development book you read as a new Beachbody Coach. This is why I gift it to all my new coaches along with the next book on my list.
You Are a Bada** by Jen Sincero ~ This book was JUST want I needed. This book helped me find my confidence and realize just how amazing it can be when you take time to be positive and just see the awesomeness all around you. This book isn’t about business, it’s about soul searching and getting off your ass so you can take charge of your dreams and turning them into goals. This should be on your must read list as a coach.
I also read Tony Hortons book The Big Picture ~ This was a great book and his 11 laws add a lot of value to my personal development. I felt like much of it I had heard in his workouts but it was a lot of fun to hear the stories tied to the quotes you hear him say all the time. And, learning why he says those things. All in all a good read.
This book has forever changed how view the things I do. I feel like this book appeared on my reading list at just the right moment! I was mentally prepared to really absorb what Jeff was saying. The slight edge is SO EASY to do and will give you HUGE results yet 95% of us will not do it. I feel like deep down we all know what the slight edge is. Maybe not in those words but the principals we all know. But, for some, reason that is different for everyone, most of us just don’t do it. Once I started this book I didn’t want to put it down.
I started apply these 5 tips to my life right away and within the 4 weeks I took to read this book I already see improvements within myself. I highly recommend this book and would love to hear your thoughts on it after you read it!
Tip 1 ” Keep it simple and easily repeatable so you can do it daily, like a 30 minute Max30 workout.
Tip 2 ” Set dates to goals. If you want to lose 25lbs don’t just say you want to, tie that goal to a date and make a plan of how you will get there. Thing that are simple that you can do daily.
Tip 3 ” Don’t stop when you fail. There will be bumps along the way. The scale may go up when you want it to go down the idea is to never stop working.
Tip 4 ” Use compound interest. This doesn’t have to be about money, this is just building off each accomplishment and each tasks. A 10min run leads to a 11min, then 12…14…18…24…30 minute run. Take small steps to get their daily.
Tip 5″ I’m sure you have got this by now but the BIGGEST thing I took away from this book is you have to work on your goals EVERYDAY with no return int begininng and maybe even for a really long time after that. My Facebook page is a great example of that lol. But, I don’t quit I keep trying, I keep learning and I keep applying new ideas daily.
Comment below and tell me how the slight edge helped you.