Post on October 30th, 2005
Only recently have I started to learn PHP and am starting to realize what all the fuss is about. PHP has been around for 10 years and has gained steady increasing popularity.
It is fast, fairly easy to learn, integrates with many database systems (MySQL, SQL Server, ORACLE), used on all major operating systems, and is open source which means there are many add-on components to use (i.e. PEAR) that extend its functionality. It costs nothing to download and all you need is a web server, whether it be open-source (Apache) or Internet Information Server.
Video Tutorials:
Your First Script
String Functions
Conditional Statement: IF Else
Conditional Statement: Switch
User-Defined Functions: Creating
User-Defined Functions: Using
User-Defined Functions: Return Values
Global Variables and Functions
For Loops
While Loops
Here are also some great articles (.pdf) written by Gareth Downes-Powell covering the same and some new topics:
String Functions
Conditional Statements
Working with Forms
From PHP, Video tutorials
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ActionScript 3.0 Basics for Designers
Understanding T-SQL using SQL Server
jQuery: Enhancing Web Development
Introduction to ASP.NET Web Development
JavaScript Programming: From Basics to DOM
All online classes are available for download via PayPal. All lessons (.pdf) are emailed by instructor within 48 hours of purchase. Questions can be posted on the site or emailed directly via the contact page.
The Understanding WordPress and Learning Drupal courses run continuously and is paid through this site, so you can register at any time.
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This site started back in September 2005 as an online resource for my training at a local computer club. The material was based upon taching people how to do web programming with JavaScript.
It then expanded over the years to offer online classes (in JavaScript and ASP.NET) to anybody as well as more of a wider range of topics inlcuding HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP.NET, Flash, etc.
Feel free to contact me if you have any question on the online classes I offer or material covered.