Power of RSS FEED

Do you want stay in regular touch with your favorite site? Or do you want to receive timely news updates from your favorite media conglomerate? Or perhaps do you want to establish a regular connection with your favorite drama site without separately resorting to them? At this juncture you may have pre-conceived notions that I am going to tell that monotonous bookmarking story. If this is the case, then you are certainly incorrect since bookmark is not the sagacious way out, as you may miss to check any bookmarked site or you may waste your time ending up seeing no latest stuff on sites, and the list of its cons is quite exhaustive ahead.

Therefore, the pragmatic solution to this plight is RSS feed. Rich Site Summary (RSS), which brings you the latest and unique information from your favorite sites without resorting to each one separately. Whenever a website is updated, RSS feed lets you know about it and this way you can read your desired matter without rushing hither and thither.

As you are sufficiently familiar with RSS feed by now, it is therefore imperative to learn about its reader. As every car needs an engine, similarly RSS feed needs a reader. There are a myriad of feed readers rotating around in the market, but the easy and free ones for amateurs to commence with are Bloglines and GoogleReader. They are similar to e-mail format. Unread feeds are marked bold and once you have peeped through a particular feed, it can be marked as ‘read’ and you can move ahead for the next unread piece.Subscribing to a feed:On site subscription

Recently, you might have seen tiny (usually orange) buttons on various sites. The layout of the buttons may vary but they render utmost convenience in recognition and identification. Therefore, whenever you come across such buttons, keep yourself informed that you can subscribe to that website’s feed. Now all you need to do is to copy and paste the link into your reader or simply walk along with the instructions that follow once you click the button.Also checkFeed Notifier To Stay Updated with Your Favorite WebsitesBrowser Subscription

Most browsers nowadays have the compatibility to subscribe to the reader. One can often see small icon at the top right hand side of the address bar (layout of this icon may vary accordingly with the browser). So hit a click on this icon and subscribe the feeds. They will probably subscribe you to the in-browser reader, but you can still make it go as you wish by selecting your preferred reader like GoogleReader or Bloglines.E-mail subscription

If the ways I have enumerated above are all Greek to you…. Don’t fret, I have yet another and convenient method for you to use. You can subscribe via your e-mail to get latest updates from your preferred site and stay tuned. Well-reputed sites will keep your email coy and won’t use it for any other purposes. Furthermore, at any point in time, you can unsubscribe to such emails if you don’t wish to see them anymore.

Try either RSS feed or email subscription and see what suits you the best.

Good Luck!

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