Secret Trick To Make Big Money With Teespring And FREE Traffic

Are you aware that Facebook has recently bought Instagram & there are more than two hundred million active people using it?

Instagram is a simple yet effective browsing and picture sharing app. Wanna know more about it? Simply, Google it.Check out the entire process:Points to Keep in Mind

Firstly, you need to install Instagram as soon as possible on your iPad, iPhone, Android or Windows based Tablet or Mobile phone.
If you’ve got an iPad, an iPhone or any android or a windows based tablet or phone, just visit your app store & look for Instagram on it.
Now, download it and install the instagram app asap.Before creating a new account on intagram, install it & go to the next step
Now, get a good T-shirt design and launch is on Teespring. (If you don’t know how to launch T-Shirt on TeeSpring, wait for our upcoming tutorial)
The biggest and massive (niches) on Instagram are cooking, cars, soccer, dogs and fitness. So, do keep in mind all these niches at the time of coming up with your TeeSpring Campaign.
T-shirt design matters the most in your TeeSpring campaign, So, if you are not good at designing it, you can hire any professional to create it for you.
Remember, if you are not having a good looking T-shirt design, you are not going to sell even a single one.
With Instagram, you can get traffic FREE of cost. Do you know from where I got this amazing technique from? Well, it came in mymind when I was just having a look on some car pics on it. When I searched MUSTANG on Instagram, a page appeared in front of me that showed Mustang pictures in it, but with in its bio section, I saw a  TeeSpring link that took me to a T-shirt targeting MUSTANG lovers. When I checked the link, I found that the person has sold as much as 50 T-shirts in a day just from Instagram Traffic!Also check: Secret Trick to Make Money from TeespringMy Case Study with Instagram and TeeSpring

I’ve been using Instagram on my mobile since a very long time and I have picked few very important things in it that has helped me to hit the Gold. Now, moving further, create a new Instagram account asap. If your T-shirt is related to a “dog” niche, you will have to create your account with the name of “DoggieShirts321” .Also check: How To Become A Slogan Seller And Earn Money By Simply Typing Few Words

At the time of uploading your profile picture, simply wear your own T-Shirt and take a picture. If you are good at Photoshop, you can also create a picture where you are wearing that particular designed T-Shirt. After doing that, Fill up your Bio section and write something that says: “T-shirt for a limited edition, please click the link mentioned in my BIO to get it asap.”

Now, write down the TeeSpring URL with in the Section of Website URL. This will create a clickable link for all those who looks at your profile. Then upload one another T-shirt pic of yours with a caption on it that says: If you want to order this LIMITED EDITION T-SHIT, visit a link under my bio section or check: Earn $20 a Day with Instagram and CPA for starters

All done!

All the magic will happen, when you will start searching for your hashtags! MUSTANG in our case.

For instance, if you are targeting “Mustang lovers”, You might be having a beautiful “Mustang” T-shirt.

Just write FLOWER in the search and you will instantly find all the people that have uploaded pictures of flowers.IMPORTANT STEP:

Start opening your targeted niche pictures and keep liking it. Thats it! Once they are gonna look at your like, they will visit your profile and a small percentage of those people will also TVisit Your TeeSpring link under the bio section, if you’ve got a bunch of cool designs.Let me give you another example:

Lets suppose, if a keyword “MUSTANG” has got more than 200,000k pictures, you can start selling T-shirts targeting Mustang fans. Want more proofs, check out my this Latest Campaign on TeeSpring:INSTAGRAM RULE:

Like Other’s Pictures & Get Your Pictures Liked!

Make your daily practice to like pictures that are relevant to your keyword because whenever anyone likes your picture, he or she gets an instant notification on his mobile and its a human nature that you are definitely going to check who was he or she and how do they look like.NOTE:  You will get 20 results/search.

Once, you have started making money from this process, you can also invest some on a PAID advertising and believe me or not, you can earn a huge amount of money! OR if you cannot invest, try our previous published posts for getting Free Bing/Google Adwords/Facebook Voucher Codes :).You Must Check: Trick To Run Facebook Ads For As Low As 0.01 Cents And Get Massive Results.

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