49-160 Germany Area Code, Business on +49-160, Germany City Code

Germany Area Code 49-160

49 Area Code

EU founder reunited since 1990 local internet code .de or .com, 356,854 km² (138,174 mls²) – 81,642,000 people, Land boundaries: 3,618 km, Coastline: 2,389 km

Germany Phone System : (country code: +49-160)

inside a city
dial number without area code

dial 0 + area code
dial number
(in 2003 Germany had
54.3 million Land Lines)

mobile code: 0 I7-
(64.8 million Mobile Lines)

The digits of area codes and of phone numbers are variable, German area codes indicate the geographic location:
(no central I since Germany is a Féderation),
I7 for Mobils (in German Handys)
2 for the Rhineland,
3 for Berlin and exEast Germany
4 for the very North,
5 for northern Niedersachsen,
6 for the center
7 for southern Baden Würtenberg,
8 Bavaria (Munich) and
9 Bavaria (Nürnberg)

+37 was the are code of
former East Germany (DDR)
deleted in July I99I
and used for I0 new European
country codes (mostly EX
Communist Countries like Lithuania)

International calls:
international prefix: 00
calling from Germany
to France

00 33 I 422I IIII
II rue des IIaIIes

Germany’s phonesystem
is regulated by Reg TP

Phone information:
national Inlandsauskunft.com
intern Auslandsauskunft.com
Emergency ?
Police ?
Fire ?

Calling to Germany
from USA 0II 49
from Europe 00 49
+49 – areacode – number(various lenght of digits)
Major area codes for Germany : 49-38 / Rostock 49-6465 / Breidenbach 49-8179 / Eurasburg an der Loisach 49-2905 / Ramsbeck 49-38785 / Berge 49-37365 / Sayda 49-4554 / Wahlstedt 49-749 / (not assigned) 49-39973 / Altkalen 49-7957 / Kreoberg, Crailsheim, Schnelldorf, Stimpfach 49-5184 / Freden (Leine) 49-8669 / Traunreut 49-2851 / Rees 49-5505 / Hardegsen 49-4352 / Damp 49-39955 / Jurgenstorf 49-4625 / Jubek 49-2744 / Herdorf 49-6781 / Idar-Oberstein 49-9946 / Hohenwarth bei Kotzting 49-4406 / Berne 49-35955 / Pulsnitz 49-8177 / Munsing 49-35606 / Briesen 49-8380 / Lindau-Achberg 49-6234 / Mutterstadt 49-9302 / Rottendorf (Unterfranken) 49-6673 / Haunetal-Staerklo 49-4276 / Borstel (Samtgemeinde Siedenburg) 49-9185 / Muhlhausen (Oberpfalz) 49-8656 / Anger 49-6723 / Oestrich-Winkel, Mittelheim 49-3671 / Saalfeld/Saale 49-6568 / Wolsfel 49-3522 / Grooenhain 49-4341 / (not assigned) 49-6868 / Mettlach-Tuensdor 49-3329 / Stahnsdorf 49-3722 / Limbach-Oberfrohna 49-382 / Rostocker Umgebung 49-581 / Uelzen 49-38296 / Reri 49-6095 / Bessenbach 49-7950 / Schnelldorf, Feuchtwangen, Kreoberg, Satteldorf, Wornitz 49-371 / Chemnitz 49-427 / Sulingen and surroundings 49-5481 / Lengerich (Westfalen) 49-7955 / Wallhausen, Rot am See, Satteldorf 49-3631 / Nordhausen 49-6533 / Morbach 49-4296 / Schwanewede-Aschwarden 49-36334 / Wolkramshausen 49-7579 / Schwenningen, Beuron, Meostetten 49-2381 / Hamm 49-5947 / Laar (Vechte) 49-34299 / Gaschwitz 49-4132 / Amelinghausen 49-6340 / Dierbach, Freckenfeld, Kapsweyer, Niederotterbach, Steinfeld (Pfalz), Vollmersweiler, Worth-Schaidt 49-8137 / Petershausen 49-6825 / Illingen (Saar)

Mobile codes for Germany :

Some Business On + 49-160-xxxxx 49-160-044 Miljøbiologisk Laboratorium ApS

Henningsens Alle 2C # 2900 Hellerup
49-160-076 Miljøbiologisk Laboratorium ApS

Henningsens Alle 2C # 2900 Hellerup
49-160-108 HLM Automatdrejeri ApS

Bakkegårdsvej 301 # 3050 Humlebæk
49-160-1111 Oblastní nemocnice Náchod, a.s.

Purkynova 446 # 547 01 Náchod
49-160-120 Aage Jensen Transportmateriel Humlebæk ApS

Bakkegårdsvej 109 # 3050 Humlebæk
49-160-1504414 Gunter Peischl

Aschheimer Str 8
49-160-1506698 Electronic Empire

Uhlandstr. 56 Meppen Germany
49-160-1530081 Alexander Massold

Bergstr 18

37640 Golmbach[]
49-160-1718122 Christian Huttner

An Der Kirche 5a
49-160-1820545 MICHAEL ROTHFUS

Industriestr. 42 75417 Muhlacker[]
49-160-204 Tømrermester Kaj Løve Jensens Eftf. ApS

Bakkegårdsvej 509 # 3050 Humlebæk
49-160-2323580 Multimediamar

Weiherhäuschen 9a Kusel Rheinland-Pfalz 66869
49-160-302 Scan-Form Værktøjsfabrik ApS

Bakkegårdsvej 111 # 3050 Humlebæk
49-160-3555983 Wolfgang Dietz

Dennhof 3
49-160-3771091 Armin Kind

Semmenstedter Str 2
49-160-4066160 Toussaint Motorenwerke GmbH

Sültstr. 66, Emmerthal, Other, Germany
49-160-4118473 Heisler Enterprices

Am Lustgarten 168 Berlin Germany
49-160-4210508 CMC – Global Trading

Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, Germany
49-160-4439400 Herr Otto

Windexstr 13
49-160-4618100 indafa GmbH

Adam Schall Street, Frechen, , Germany(Zip/Postal:50226)
49-160-504 Textprint ApS

Gl. Strandvej 248 # 3050 Humlebæk
49-160-505 Textprint ApS

Gl. Strandvej 248 # 3050 Humlebæk
49-160-5570718 MICHEL ROSINSKI

Lindenstr. 119 53721 Siegburg[]

36148 Kalbach[]
49-160-6940343 Firma Kowalik

fabrik str, Michelstadt, , Germany(Zip/Postal:64720)
49-160-7240934 Sofa Software Factory Gmbh

Hauptstr 12
49-160-7400948 Jens Prottel

Hilgesdorfer Str 18a
About Germany :

Capital: Berlin

reunited since oct 3 1990, after 1945 4 Occupation Zones forming 2 seperate States: West Germany BRD and East Germany DDR. before German Reich,
before German Republic, Jan 18 1871 German Empire was formed out of various independant States, Kingdoms,
Cities ..

Federation of 16 Bundesländer
National holiday:

Reunification Day, Oct 3 (1990)

German, regional accent in some areas


chief of State Bundespräsident


GNP/2000 $ 1,936 billion, GNP/person $ 23,400/year, 3rd larges Economy

1 , (Euro) = 100 cents (was 1.95583 DEM), 0.8089 , = 1 $ US (2004), 1 $ US = 1,2362 ,, 1.0854 Euro = 1 $ US (2000)Geography:

Zugspitze 2,962 m
access to 9 Neighbours
west: France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands
north: North Sea and Denmark
east: Poland and Czech Republic
south: Austria and SwitzerlandMore:

Germany has 16 independant’Bundesländer’:
subdivided into Regierungsbezirke,
which again are subdivided into
440 ‘Kreise’ (cities or rural zones including smaller communities)
an abrevation of the name of the city/kreis is on a german car plate
5186 area codes give acces to the 14 197 German Gemeinden

Austria 784 km, Belgium 167 km, Czech Republic 646 km, Denmark 68 km, France 451 km, Luxembourg 135 km, Netherlands 577 km, Poland 456 km, Switzerland 334 km

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