FIX Runtime Error 339 Successfully Easy Method

FIX Runtime Error 339 Successfully  Easy Method


Runtime Error 339 complete fix  Windows Runtime error 339 occurs when a program tries to access a specific file and that file doesnt exist or cannot find the file. The error tends to happen when you try to activate certain functions of a program. Windows runtime error 339 happens when Windows registry fails to locate the required file. It may happen because of several reasons like the file is corrupt, deleted, moved or windows registry entry is incorrect. The registry is a central list of settings and file names used by both Windows and your installed programs on your computer. When the program is running and requests the file during runtime, the Windows Runtime Error 339 would pop up when it unable to find or locate the file.

Corrupt or missing .OCX file is the main reason of Runtime error 339. The error wont appear when you install the program but it shows when you try to use the program for the first time. There are almost more than 10,000 OCX files on your PC so it is difficult to tell which file is causing problem but the good thing is file name appears when you get the error which is causing error. So you can get idea how to fix that file or solution to get remove runtime error 339.

What causes Windows Runtime error 339?

How to Fix Windows Runtime error 339

.OCX files are a form of ActiveX control, which are typically used to address issues of interface and data manipulation. These files are stored usually in C directory. Runtime error 339 is very easy to solve, you just have to replace the missing file and register it with the system solves the problem.

Here are some methods by which you can solve the Windows Runtime error 339 by following few steps.

Reinstall Program  If you are getting Runtime error 339 while using a program then reinstall that program. If it is due poor program installation then you should try this method.

Register .OCX file  Register COMDLg32.ocx file using command prompt. Open command prompt(Run as Administrator) on your prompt on your pc and typr the command given below.

You will receive a message saying DllRegisterServer in comdlg32.ocx succeeded. This means you have sucessfully registered the .OCX file. You can replace the file name with file name shown in the error. Generally reregistering TABCTL32.ocx , ssa3d30.ocx , COMCTL32.ocx ,RICHTX32.ocx , comct232.ocx files solves problem for many users.

Command Prompt FIX  If you are still getting the runtime error 339 then you should try this method. Open command prompt(Run as Administrator) and execute the commands given below.

regsvr32 WindowsSystem32msflxgrd.ocx /u and press enter.

Once above command is completely executed , type next command :

regsvr32 WindowsSystem32msflxgrd.ocx and press enter.

Now exit the command prompt and check the if you still recieve the error.

Replace .OCX file  One of the best fix is replace the .OCX file showing in the runtime error 339. Search that .OCX file on google download a fresh copy and paste in it the location

Clean Registry  There is a number of freeware registry cleaner apps out there that can fix common registry errors, such as missing shared DLLs, incorrect file extensions, invalid paths, missing shortcuts, orphan Active X objects, invalid devices, invalid links to startup programs, and lots more.

Recommended registry cleaner are and .

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