Resolve noclassdeffounderror in ant

Resolve noclassdeffounderror in ant

This is documented in ant’s user manual.

Ant classpath is made out of jars that are added in a specific sequence.

  • First Ant would add jars that are passed as part of -lib argument.For -lib a directory path (could be relative from build script) of classpath jars as well as lisr of individual jars can be a valid argument.
    ant -lib /app/lib/axis2 -lib /app/lib/log4j
    ant -lib lib/axis2 -lib lib/log4j (when executing from /app as example)
    ant -lib lib/axis2/axis2.jar -lib lib/log4j/log4j.jar
    ant -lib lib/axis2/axis2.jar:lib/log4j/log4j.jar
  • Ant would then add jars from user home .ant directory. It is usually referred as ${user.home}/.ant/libThis is a preferred location for development only as your .ant directory will not be shared when running continuous integration server.
  • Ant would then add jars from ANT_HOME/lib.I would suggest not to use this option at all. Changing Ant installation could lead to class conflicts when your builds are looking for different versions of the same jar.

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