Blogging has really taken off in the recent past and every other internet user is considering the possibility of launching a blog for sharing their perspective in the near future. The possibility of making handsome money by launching a blogging site is the major impetus behind this popularity of becoming a blogger. However, bloggers must remember that they need to follow some cardinal rules if they wish to become successful in this field and stand apart from the rest. The cardinal rules consist of few easy to follow tips that will help the bloggers in enhancing the quality of their articles, and attract more readers.
Good grammar and easy to follow writing style for a solid foundation
The key to success behind every high and mighty thing in this world lies in investing in building a strong foundation. This holds true while writing a blog as well. Bloggers should keep in mind sloppy grammar skills are not going to help them score any brownie points with their readers. In fact, grammar and writing styles are two of the most important aspects that all professional bloggers worth their salt should be careful of and pay more attention.
Deciding upon the best writing style can be quite contentious because most avid bloggers are more likely to vouch for one style or another. However, a large number agree upon the suitability of the inverted pyramid style for providing the important points in a systematic manner for the benefit of the readers.
Keep it short to make it larger
Professional bloggers should avoid writing long winding paragraphs. It is important because the average attention span of most readers will lead to them moving on to another article rather than trudge with theirs. Wordiness is an article also reflects the lack of ability on the part of authors to express their thoughts through short and simple sentences. A short and informative piece is in a better position to hold the attention of the reader than an unnecessary long one with unwanted distractions.
Avoid using difficult and technical words to cater to a larger group of people
Many bloggers are fond of using jargons for making their writing sound more intelligent, but this can alienate a large number of potential readers. Only blogs covering topics that cater to technical people ought to contain technical terms because average readers are not likely to be aware of the meaning of these words.
Staying in touch to stay afloat
Bloggers must always remember that even their most avid readers are only going to follow their blogs as long as they continue providing new articles. Therefore, it is never advisable for the bloggers to remain absent from the cyberspace for long durations.
Avoid becoming overambitious
Many bloggers are in the habit of launching two or three blogs, as soon as, as their first one starts attracting readers. However, this is not a sound business idea, and bloggers should first concentrate upon consolidating the readership of their original blog before going overboard.
Content is the key
Finally, the blogger should keep in mind that content is the key and they should produce informative and insightful articles. Plagiarism and rehashing of content are two malpractices that all bloggers should avoid. However, they must realize that is extremely difficult to produce articles that are completely original, but instead focus upon presenting content with their perspective.
These are some simple tips that constitute the cardinal rules for any blogger who wish to succeed in their endeavor.
Marcus Anderson is an enthusiast blogger and author of this post. He also has a keen interest in teaching essay writing to his students which helps them become a better writer in future.