Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
I am a user of Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. the problem is that Angry Birds is not starting on this tab. This tab is a good one and I really need some guidance in relation to this particular section known as Angry Birds. Rest everything is ok. Please help me out.
Join Date Mar 2013
Location Rohtak, India
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Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Hello Sir,
— Not need for worry…
— If you have Angry Bird in your device then uninstall it …
* Open Your device menu…
* After then tap on settings…
* Then tap on application…
* And then tap on manage app…
* Then tap on All and select the app…
* And after that uninstall it…
Then after doing it tap on the below link to download latest version of app for your device…
Best of Luck…
Thank You…..
Join Date Apr 2013
Location Surat, Gujarat
Posts 658
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Hi Friend,
>> The Problem is Angry Bird Game is not Starting on Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
>> So there must be a problem in the Angry Bird Game.
>> First Confirm that you are using Game Downloaded from the Google Play Store.
>> You can also remove the Game from the device.
>> Then Open the Google Play Store and Download the Latest version of Angry Birds.
>> Now Check that the game is starting or not.
I hope you will understand.
All The Best.
Join Date Jun 2013
Posts 31
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Dear user in your new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 your Angry Bird app is not starting.
To solve this issue you are to do:-
1. Scan your new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 with anti-virus software.
2. Your corrupted/disabled Angry Birds app has to be uninstalled.
3. Restart your device.
4. After that go to download the latest version
Angry Bird app from the Google Play store.
5. Before downloading use fast internet services.
6. After the completion of downloading install the Angry Bird App.
7. Then restart and enjoy your installed app.
Thank You,
Join Date Jun 2013
Posts 424
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
this might be due to the compatibility issue
or maybe the app is not installed properly
so first of all go to the main menu
then tap on the settings option
then to application
then manage application
then select the Angry Bird app and uninstall it
then restart your device
then connect to a fast internet connection
open the play store
download the latest and compatible version of Angry Bird app
install it and restart your device and its done
Join Date Mar 2013
Posts 179
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Hi friend……….
You can follow the below steps
first you can turn on your device.
and go to the main menu
and go to the settings
and go to the applications
and go to the manage applications
here you can see a lot of applications
and select the Angry Bird game and uninstall it
after you can go to the Play Store and download the latest version
and install it into your device.
Thank you…………
Join Date Mar 2013
Posts 596
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
follow the steps below–
–> Open the home page from the device.
–> Click the menu option.
–> Select the setting option.
–> Select the application.
–> Go to the manage apps.
–> Open the game apps.
–> Click the cache & data .
–> If the game is not working then uninstall it.
–> Download & reinstall the latest version.
–>Connect the always 3G connection for better service.
–> Finally solve the matter.
Join Date Feb 2013
Posts 848
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Hello friend…
As you said the Angry Bird game is not starting up in your device…
Reasons for this problem…
>>might be possible that the version which is installed in your device is not compatible in your device…
>>might be possible that Angry Bird game got crashed in your device…
Ways to fix this issue..
Firstly clear the cache and data for this app..
>> Go to the setting option..
>> Then open the application…
>> Then choose to manage application..
>> Then select the angry birds game..
>> Then clear the cache and data for this app…
>> Then try to use this app..
>> If the problem is not resolved then uninstall it from your device..
>> Download the older version of this app from the Google Play Store…
>>and then install it in your device..
Your problem will be resolved..
All the best..
Join Date May 2013
Posts 740
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
Your Angry Birds game apps may have been corrupted due to virus issue.
Firstly you need to uninstall your Angry Birds game application from your device.
For this follow the instructions-
1-Go to settings from the main menu.
2-And then select the application option.
3-And then go to manage application option.
4-And select your Angry birds game and uninstall it from your device.
And then go to Google Play Store and search for the Angry Bird game and install it.
And also have a good antivirus and scan your whole device.
Join Date Aug 2013
Posts 297
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
What you need to do now is first to clear the App Cache.
Tap Manage Apps–Tap All–Tap Angry Birds–Tap Clear Cache, Clear Data.
Exit and Play Angry Bird, is it working? If not,
Tap Manage Apps–Tap All–Tap Angry Birds–Tap Uninstall,
Remove the Game App.
After successfully uninstalling the Game App,
Tap Play Store–Type Angry Birds in the search field, Tap Angry Birds Icon–Tap Install,
This will install the game app afresh.
Enjoy it.
Join Date May 2013
Posts 40
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
After hearing your problem here is what i suggest that you should do,,,,
-First of all enter into the main menu of your Samsung tablet.
-Then go to the settings
-After that to the applications
-Then you should go to the manage applications
-From there select and tap on the angry bird game
-uninstall it from there
-Then you can go to the Play Store on your device
-From there you can download the latest version of the application which is Angry Birds Space.
-Then download and install in to your device and enjoy it without a problem.
Good luck sir!!!
Join Date Jul 2013
Location Rohtak
Posts 170
Re: Angry Birds app not starting on my new Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1
hi friend,
Firstly you should maintain space on your handset.
>> You need to uninstall some of your unwanted applications from your device.
>> Move all your applications to sd card.
follow this—>
i. Go to setting.
ii And then the application option.
iii And then manage application option.
iv And then select your unwanted apps and uninstall it.
Similarly, you can move all your apps through manage application settings.
And then go to Google Play Store and search for your Angry Birds game and install it on your device.
have a nice day……………….
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