Sacramento, CA(Total 34 Reviews)Average Rating : 4.8 out of 5Michelle Wight has been doing an admirable job Lionel V. from Rancho Cordova, California
Michelle Wight has been doing an admirable job in assisting me with the renovation of Unit #123, at Dornajo Way following water damage due to a fire in a unit above mine.My renter is making things difficult in some ways after it was agreed that he could remain in the unit during the renovation since he does not have renters insurance.She has been very helpful in assisting me in finding a contractor that could complete the renovations in a timely fashion and in finding a company to replace the carpeting, etc.Despite some comments from the renter about the contractor, etc., I am confident that Michelle has been able to allow me to get the renovation s done at a reasonable cost without too much delay.Jul 29 2016 Back
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