How to Register Your Own Gmail Account

In this article, am going to teach you how to register your new Gmail account. Let’s go there!

Created by the famous American company Google in 2004, Gmail can be said to be one of the best free email service that you can find on the internet today. This free email service can be found at Gmail offers you so many advantages.

For one it offers its users a large storage capacity; 15 GB totally free! So you will not have the need to delete messages to save space. Another advantage of joining Gmail is that it links you with other Google services, that is to say that if you register an account in you will also have an account on Google Drive, Google Docs, Youtube, Picassa, Google Calendar, Google Plus, Hangouts, Blogger and many more – one email address for so many apps !

Gmail is one of the few services that do not deactivate your email account if you have not been using it for a while. It’s always available, once you can remember your username and password. Another advantage of using Gmail over other email services on the Internet is that it has an inbuilt search engine feature to search for messages instantly, you can also archive messages by category and it also has a chat feature so that you can communicate with all other Gmail users.

Now let’s get to the nitty gritty of the article – that’s how to register a Gmail quickly and easily.

  • To do this, first we have to do is go to the page and Click on “Create an Account”. It is at the lower center of the page.
  • As soon as we click on “create an account”  it takes us to the  Gmail account creation proper, we can see a registration form in which we will have to fill out with our personalized details.
  • The first thing is to enter your full name. These boxes are mandatory but you do not need to enter your real name. You can use your alias.
  • Next, you must enter the name of the Gmail address you want. it very important that you type in the name correctly because once it is processed it cannot be changed. An example of email from Gmail would [email protected].
  • Your Gmail account needs a unique password. This box is also mandatory respond. We recommend that you create a password that is difficult to guess. It can include numbers and letters, for added protection, you can use symbols like semicolons. If you want more protection you can use upper and lower case. It is also important to use a different password for each Gmail account, and to change your password frequently to avoid possible invasions to your inbox.
  • The fourth step would be to enter your date of birth, this box is also mandatory. You can enter your real birth date or invent one.
  • Concerning the next section which is the sex of the registrant’s account, is not necessary to enter your real sex. We were shown three options: “woman, man and other”. If you do not want to show your sex you can choose the “other” option.
  • You do not need to enter your mobile phone. You can register an account without putting anything in the mobile phone section.
  • The next is the “current email” box, this box is very important since entering the address you’re using now can retrieve the password for the Gmail account in case you lose or forget it.
  • The last step to register the Gmail account is enter the characters you see in the image displayed to prove that you’re not a robot, it is important that you properly register the account. And then select the location where you are residing, you can put yours actual location or enter a fake location. Finally click the box accepting the terms of service and privacy policy Google and hit the button “next step”.
  • If you entered everything correctly, you will have created your Gmail account and then you can access your mail.

Wala! You are now a proud of a free registered Gmail account!

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