For those of you who have followed me over the few years I’ve written for Android phones, you know I love 2 things: Google Services and Cloud Options.
Google Music is the best of both worlds, PLUS it alleviates my pet peeve of an SD card. I hate them. So, being able to stream my music from the cloud saves me having to pick WHICH music I want on my phone or not.
Problem is, Google Music is only for the US currently… so how can we take advantage of it here in Canada?
Well, the big issue would be at first being able to get yourself signed into the program. Once you’re in, they no longer care that you’re in Canada… just gotta get in first. Then install the software on your computer, then the phone.
So here’s the steps:
[UPDATE: Please first set up your Google Wallet account with an American address… it now checks that as well – see ‘s steps on the ]
Essentially that’s how you get it to your Google services. Now that it’s attached, you can go back into the site and download the “Music Manager” software for your computer.
This will then download “musicmanagerinstall.exe” (if you’re on Windows… there’s also a Mac and Linux option available too). You’ll have set up the music manager by telling it where your files are [iTunes (bleh), Music Library, etc…]
Once you have the locations in… you can then go ahead and click OK.
and WAIT…
For me it was something like about 2 weeks for a full upload (I had 7,000+ files). This might be quicker now that they have ‘music match’ active, but I haven’t seen it go on my account yet.
So, you’ve got the files uploaded to the cloud, now to play them. You could play them via the web (like I do while I at work), or you could…
If your computer doesn’t already have it preloaded, you’ll have to download it via the . Now, I’m unsure if it’s allowed to be downloaded in Canada yet via the store.
If you click the link and it’s not allowable to be installed, you’ll have to side load the application file (apk). Let me know if you need to know how to do that. Below I have a folder of applications that aren’t available in Canada that you can also side load.
Once it’s on your phone it’ll ask you which Google Account to associate with. Ensure you pick the right one!
I’ll post some more tips and tricks for Google Music later on, but for now enjoy the service!
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