On this page, you will find the direct link to download the firmware Fero Stock L100 Stock ROM. The may contain Driver, Flash Tool, and Manual.
However, if you are an experienced software engineer, you should just go straight to the download button, so as to save time. As for upcoming technician, you should consider reading the entire post, so as to avoid unnecessary damage or bricks of your device.
Why do you want to flash
Phone flashing is the process of rewriting the firmware or operating system on a device due to some problem that may have arisen during the process of using the device. Some of this problem is as follows. Forgotten security, Malware commonly called a virus, Hanging on the logo, Bootloop, Auto turn on internet connection, auto turn on WiFi connection, auto app installing.
Other may not necessarily be a problem, Device may just need an upgrade of OS. However, some problem can be easily solved by just factory reset.
Important things to Note:
There are few important things to note before flashing any firmware so as to avoid bricks of the device. Some are listed below.
Ensure you don’t flash the wrong preloader i.e try to know the build number and the variant of the firmware you are flashing. Please read this post by or that by .
Ensure you have at least 30% to 50% battery charge so as to avoid half flash
Please ensure you backup your important file before flashing ( contact, sms and media file (phone, music, and videos)
Requirement before flashing Fero Stock L100
The device firmware
The chipset flash tools ( or)
The chipset or device driver (learn how to install the driver here and MTK)
Good USB cable
Your computer
Install Winrar Software on your Computer or Laptop, if already installed then ignore.
Download Fero Stock L100 ROM Firmware.
Extract to a folder you e.g desktop.
Open Research loader folder or the flash tools that is applicable.
Click the PAC file from the location as the case may be.
Click on Play button and Insert USB Cable to the device.
If device dead or not detect then try with Volume Down button and Insert USB cable (Note: you can use Volume Up button also for detecting not working Up key)
Wait until finished process, do not try to unplug device while in flashing mode
Congrats you have successfully flash your device.
You can also use other tools like WiseLink, SP Multiport Download, Miracle Box, Volcano, Infinity CMII etc to flash this device.
If you have null/invalid imei after the flash, fix it using MTK engineering app, miracle box, maui meta 3g.
Please consider reading the full tutorial if this is not sufficient
Download Fero Stock L100 Stock ROM Firmware
To download the firmware that matches with your device, ensure you check the Build -Number
Read the Build-Number with miracle box if you are not sure.
About Me
Hello, my name is Salihu. I’m a Full time Phone software engineer, a Dad and self-employed entreprenuar.
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