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Posted on 11 December 2011 by Android Advice

We have had the

for a while now.

This being said there is a one click method that is available and been tested to root the device much easier.

The method was created for other devices but we have personally used it on the Atrix 4G and its flawless.

Root Instructions for the Motorola Atrix 4G on Gingerbread:

Put your Atrix in USB Debugging Mode (Settings -> Application -> Development)

Connect your Atrix to your PC via USB

Download and unzip Pete’s Motorola Root Tools ()

Run the Executable and click “Root My Phone”

Be patient as it takes a few minutes

Congrats your Atrix 4G is Rooted

Ignore the fact that the Motorola Atrix 4G is not listed as a device within the program that it roots.

We have rooted multiple Atric 4G’s using this tool and never had an issue.

Also many of the Atric 4G’s that we have rooted with this method are running with unlocked bootloaders and CM7.

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Posted on 24 July 2011 by Android Advice

After updating your Motorola Atrix 4G you will lose root access.

Some of you may not care because you only had it rooted for sideloading.

For the others if you want to root your Motorola Atrix 4G after updating to Gingerbread this is how you do it.

Keep in mind that when typing in the commands during the rooting process you will leave out the quotes.

Instructions to root Atrix 4G running Gingerbread:

Download and Extract Fastboot Files to your C: drive ()

Connect your phone to the computer via USB

Put your phone in fastboot mode (restart phone holding volume down button)

Open a command prompt and navigate to C:/moto-fastboot-win32

type “moto-fastboot.exe flash preinstall preinstall.img” press enter

type “moto-fastboot.exe reboot” press enter

Your phone should reboot, wait for it to come back up

type “adb shell” press enter (to restart the shell)

type “/preinstall/dosu” press enter

If step 10 fails type “/reinstall/su” instead and hit enter

type “/bin/mount -o remount,rw /system” press enter

type “cp /preinstall/su /system/bin/” press enter

type “chmod 6755 /system/bin/su” press enter

type “PATH=/system/bin:$PATH pm install /preinstall/Superuser.apk” press enter

Reboot your phone

Congrats you now have a rooted Atrix running Gingerbread.

Those of you that use this root method for your Atrix running Gingerbread please let us know any issues you run into.

We dont foresee any issues, nor have we heard of any at this point although we would like to hear your experiences.

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