iPhone First Generation Review

first generation iphonr

Here today we have received the iPhone 1st Generation and review it here. So, let’s jump right in.

iPhone First Generation Review

The Good: very stylish, Amazing 3.5 inch screen, fully fledged iPod as well as phone. Great browser, Wi-Fi, Multi- touch technology, great for pictures, Useful third party applications for download on the app store. Fairly good camera.

The Bad: Most of the applications available are costly, a little bit bulky especially for people who have had small phones, a lot less features if your phone is not jail broken, terrible SMSing function. No video recording. No mxit.

Bottom line: The iphone is a phone made for the casual user and is definitely not made for the business man as it lacks the features of the Nokia N Series. It’s stylish and is way ahead of the competition in terms of the touch technology. If you are in business, this is not the phone for you.

iPhone First Generation Review


The iphone is definitely one of the best looking phones around. It’s relatively thin but a bit bulky in terms of the actual size compared to likes of the Samsungs and Sony Eriksson. It feels good in the hand and is a constant attention seeker.

The screen is just really awesome, great quality all across the board. Its 3.5 inches which is really big especially for a phone, most portable media players don’t even have a screen that big! It can be used horizontally for videos and pictures and can be put into this mode by simply turning it on its side by using a great piece of technology called an accelerometer which many games on the iphone have started to use for the controls.

UI (user interface)

When people start using the iPhone they are really impressed just at how easy it is to use. The UI is very easy to use and while still being easy it also offers depth for the more advanced user. The touch technology is really amazing and is far ahead of its competitors in terms of the technology being used in the device. No need for stylises with this phone which has been the downfall for most touch devices as the stylises go missing and it’s just a hassle to use. With the iPhone everything is done with your fingers which make it a lot simpler and hassle free.

The UI is also a really visual thing to use and to look at as most people you show the phone to will now be in awe of the technology. For example with pictures you slide your finger across the screen to get to the next picture and to zoom in you simply pinch your fingers and to zoom out you do the opposite.


App Store

Before the 2.0 firmware and software for the iphone people had to rely on applications such as Cydia and installer to get their third party applications. These applications could only be used if your phone was jail broken and this in turn would void your warrantee. Now with the 2.0 firmware you can download legal third and first party applications from a application called surprisingly the ‘App Store’. There are tons of applications and games to download off the app store but unfortunately most of the really good ones you have to pay for. These applications can range from a simple metric/ unit converter to game like star wars force unleashed. How ever there are some really good free applications like for instance “Shazaam’’. If any song is playing out aloud e.g. the radio and you want to know the name of the song. Put your iPhone close ( with Shazaam running ) and it will find out all the info you need to know about that song. I did try this out on a number of songs and it did actually work and find out all the info for the songs I played.


The iPhone is not just a phone (as you can tell by the ‘I’ next to the phone); it also has a fully fledged iPod in which you can store all your songs and videos which a great advantage especially if you like to take your media on the go. The IPod works well and is incredibly visual. If you turn it horizontally it shows you all your album art and you can flick through it.


The iPhone also works really well as a phone which is actually what it’s supposed to do , don’t forget that!. The Built in speaker is not the best but works alright for calls ect. It stores basically and endless amount of contacts and is easy to find them with a simple search function. The smsing is probably the thing that turns most sms addicts away from it. There is no forwarding and not even an MMSing function. One big feature that we as South African will be really disappointed about is that MXiT currently does not work for the iPhone. How ever there have been plans from the MXiT team to release an iPhone version. So if you are a MXiT addict I would not suggest getting this phone until a workaround has been established


The iPhone camera is a simple one with one feature a capture button. There is no video recording and no exposure or any of those settings that you will be used to if you have used a Nokia or a Sony Erickson. The camera leaves much to be desdired

Battery Life

The battery life on the iPhone is really not great however it’s not bad. It will give you at the most five days with it on standby and if for usage it will probably be give you about 13 hours.
My rating: 8.


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