How To Join AFSPECWAR – AF Special Warfare

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Below we cover how to join Air Force Special Warfare career fields.

These jobs include: Combat Control, Pararescue, TACP, Special Reconnaissance, Combat Rescue Officer, Special Tactics Officer and TACP Officer.  We cover:

Non-Prior Service = Never been in the military beforePrior Service = Been in the military before but not the Air Force

To become an Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) active duty operator, you need to contact a recruiter to begin the process (ASVAB, screening, medical tests, enlist, etc).  Enlisted Special Warfare jobs include Combat Control, Pararescue, Special Reconnaissance and Tactical Air Control Party.  Prior and non-prior service applicants may not sign up for an individual job in Special Warfare.

Instead, you may sign up for Special Warfare Operator Enlistment (aka SWOE) and may compete for the specific job that you desire.

Find out more about SWOE; .

On the active duty side there are differences between a regular Air Force recruiter and an AFSPECWAR recruiter- ensure whoever you are speaking to is the right one.  AFSPECWAR recruiters are

trained to ensure you receive the right info and are prepped appropriately before BMT.  If by chance you contact a regular AF recruiter and need the AFSPECWAR flavor, the regular AF recruiter should be able to put you in contact with an AFSPECWAR recruiter.  ANG and AF Reserve recruiters work differently and will put you in touch with the teams directly to try out.

Ways to Find an Active Duty Enlisted


After making contact, the recruiter will refer you to a Special Warfare developer that will help you train before basic training starts.  This mentor is an ex-operator that will ensure your

numbers are where they need to be prior to shipping out.

ANG or Air Force Reserve Recruiters

Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Reserve units work with potential candidates directly prior to BMT to assess whether they are a good fit for that unit.  To start the process, check out the

to find a specific unit or location you have interest in.  Then head over to the  and check out the ANG or Reserve recruiting websites to find a local recruiter for that base/area.  If you are having difficulty finding a good contact, drop a request in the  and we will find you someone.

Entry Requirements

Enlisted Crosstrainees

For current Active Duty Airmen that want to switch career fields.  Refer to our AFSPECWAR

for specific guidance.

Officer Candidates

Follow the procedures in the attached Assessment Program Guides (pdf):

For additional questions or concerns, visit the

to collaborate with current, future and prior operators.

.com is a conglomeration of past, present and future Special Warfare operators.

Our mission is to provide you the tools and information required to be a successful operator- from Assessment & Selection to throughout your career.

For AFSPECWAR questions, visit our Community Forums.

For Administrative questions, please email us below.:

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