Learn How-To Upgrade LG G2X With Android 4.0.3 through ICS MIUI 4

| AndroidEgis

If you are a user of LG G2X and want to upgrade it with

you are on a right place below you can see a guide for this purpose. Her I’d like to say that this guide is for those users who want to update LG G2X through . Before you get started make sure that you have manage your back-up because the below steps can damage your

and you also need at least 70% battery for this purpose.

You also make sure that you have a Root your LG G2X With install ClockworkMod Recovery.

DISCLAIMER: The below method is bit risky and we will not be held responsible if you lose data or your device gets damaged in the following of this guide so please proceed at your own risk.


Step 1

First of all download the MIUI 4 ROM file for the LG G2X from  and then copy the MIUI 4 ROM file to the external micro SD card on your phone and just Turn Off the device.

Step 2

Now you need to Boot into ClockworkMod Recovery.

Step 3

In recovery mode, create a nandroid backup of existing ROM, if anything should not work out something expected on this ROM, it will helps you to easily revert back to your current state, to create select “Backup and Restore”, and on the screen that follows select “Backup” again.

Step 5

Perform full wipe:

Step 6

In main menu of recovery, choose “Install zip from SD card” > “Choose zip from SD card” then choose the ROM file.


The flashing of the ROM will now start.

Step 8

When Done, select “go back” and then select “reboot system now” to reboot your phone.

Step 9

It will take a long time for your phone to boot up into MIUI 4. And in the end download and install  from the Android Market.

That’s it‼ if you’ll follow the steps accurately you can do it without of any trouble and if you want to know more about this just click

[XDA link] and the credit goes to

for this effort.

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