Lenovo K6 (K33a48) Audio Volume Issues with Headset since Nougat

Lenovo K6 (K33a48) Audio Volume Issues with Headset since Nougat Update

since the update from Marshmallow to Nougat, you having weird troubles with Lenovo K6 headphones.

They are not recognized as headset anymore the headset icon is shown only for a very short time after plugging in and after that only, the headphones icon is shown. The horrible consequence of this is that the volume is, first of all, way too high already the second lowest setting is too loud depending on the track volume. Second, the volume seems to be a bit unsteady.

I bought a new set of headphones because I thought, the old ones would just not be compatible anymore. However, I can reproduce the problem with the new ones as well.

They are recognized as headset most of the time though. But with turning the plug, I can reproduce that they are only recognized as headphones and the volume issue is back.

I know this sounds very much like a hardware issue but I can assure you that this occurred exactly after the Nougat update and since the problem persists with two types of high-quality headsets (AKG, Bose) there must be something wrong




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