Camas County Planning & Zoning Meetings – Goal per Stephanie Bonney – Re record Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Map, Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map

This page is dedicated to tracking the process of recommendations below

, ISB No. 6037

Moore, Smith, Buxton & Turcke, CHTD.

950 W. Bannock St., Suite 520

Boise, ID 83702

Recommendations made to the P&Z Commissioners


County Attorney at March 25, 2008 Planning & Zoning Meeting – Listen to March 25, 2008 Tape – Part #1

Re pass the Zoning Ordinance

Re pass the Zoning Map

Re pass Comprehensive Plan

Re pass the Comp Plan Map

Information will be added and updated as it becomes available.

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March 10, 2008 Draft of “New Comprehensive Plan” Completed – Author, source, parties & meetings involved, etc. all unknown – All work done without any public involvement or meeting notice

March 10, 2008 Draft of “New Zoning Ordinance” Completed – Author, source, parties & meetings involved, etc. all unknown – All work done without any public involvement or meeting notice

March 12, 2008 Verbally asked to look at “Draft Zoning Ordinance” dated March 10, 2008 and other documents sitting on Dwight Butlin’s desk

– Denied

– Denied

– Stephanie Bonney makes recommendations as to what the P&Z should do regarding the pending injunction issued by Hon. Judge Robert Elgee – THIS IS A MUST LISTEN TO TAPE REGARDING MOTIVE AND PLANNED ACTIONS

– P&Z Commission Members declare conflict of interest regarding properties they own because they are going to be rezoned

Unaware he is pointing to the “Proposed Land-Use Map” Commissioner Ron Chapman during deliberation, explains to the public during what changes were proposed to the zoning map. About halfway thru the presentation, P&Z Administrator Dwight Butlin realizes he is deliberating on the wrong map, steps forward from the table and changes the map. After the map was changed Commissioner Chapman continued his presentation. After his visual presentation Commissioner Chapman, with his lone vote approved rezoning apx 20,000+ acres Currently Zoned Agricultural to Higher Densities.

May 13, 2008 I just reviewed the recorded documents at the Camas County Courthouse. Each Document Is Different Then Those Presented And Made Available To The Public At the May 12, 2008 Public Hearing. Different Comprehensive Plan, Different Land Use Map, Different Zoning Ordinance and Different Zoning Map. I will post copies online when available (at a dollar a page this is another $130+ in fees trying to understand and record what the county is doing)

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