Python Interview Questions: PyCharm

Common Python Interview Questions you’ll most likely be asked

How to get a free PyCharm license key? JetBrains PyCharm and many other professional developer tools from JetBrains like WebStorm, PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA, are free for students with a valid .edu address or or a valid ISIC card. It also works for students outside of the US! Keep in mind that students could use JetBrains products for non-commercial, educational purposes only, including conducting academic research or providing educational services.In my opinion PyCharm is legitimately the best Python IDE that I have encountered. Some of my favorite features of tool include
top-notch code editor

good syntax highlighting and code completion, including for non-Python languages

built-in inspections that you can adjust to your liking

automated, smart refactoring

handy interfaces for debugging, build management and deployment and database management

integration with popular frameworks like Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, and so on.

error highlighting (like it as a beginner !)

you can navigate to a function or class declaration/implementation in one keystroke

unit testing integration
There are a lot of others but those are some of the big ones I can dream of. Of course as many other Python IDE, PyCharm tends to consume RAM and CPU, so slower computers will struggle with JetBrains PyCharm comparing with text editors like Sublime Text 3. As many other Python beginners notice – with amazing plugin support and superb Python tools integration, PyCharm became the best Python IDEs out there.

I would not call myself an absolute beginner in Python’s world, so I decided to choose the best Python IDE. Just a side note – when you are learning the absolute basics of Python the last thing you need is to learn another set of terminology and rules for the IDE. I am absolutely agree with this statement. PyCharm is one of the most popular Python IDE and the installation of PyCharm went well, unnervingly well. JetBrains’s tool has great support and it has amazing documentation, although the sheer number of menus, toggles. leavers, choices, and dialogs is potentially very difficult to navigate and cognitively overwhelming at first glance.
In order to successfully run a simple “Hello world” program in PyCharm, I needed to

Navigate to the file menu and create a new project

Select the project type and interpreter that I wanted (default works like a charm)

Right-click on the project name in order to create a new Python file

Write my one liner

Click the Run button, and my code finally runs.
I am glad that I am not using VIM. Although the work with VIM would help better for whiteboard “testing” during an Python interview.


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