Sharing Cool Stuff On Tumblr: What, Why And How I do It

When you want to share “cool stuff”, do you use anything else than facebook/twitter? Do you also keep a proper blog? What about something in between status updates and long, thought out posts? That’s where microblogging and tumblr enters the picture – at least for me. I also like to search for cool tumblr posts as well as share it.

sharing cool stuff on tumblr

The first tumblog I started  – once I got that one up and running in just a few clicks it quickly became clear to me what a great platform tumblr is for sharing cool stuff that one stumbles upon while either surfing the web, doing more focused research, or just being out there living life.

I like the integration with twitter and facebook, and of course the fact that everything is collected and presented in a nice-looking way when I need to refresh my memory or refer someone to any of my old findings/sharings.

Another reason that I like tumblr is the queue function. What a smart way to just be able to collect my findings into a smart repository and have them automagically sprinkled out according to an interval decided beforehand by me! Wonderful – using the tumblr queue I can make sure there’s always something interesting/entertaining to sustain my dialogue with all the cool people out there.

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photo © 2009 Bert Kaufmann | more info (via: Wylio)

And that’s really the criteria for what I choose to put on tumblr, that it can spark a comment, a thought, a conversation. A lot will be related to business, web/tech, or general geekery, but I’m just as likely to “tumble” a philosophical/inspirational quote or a beautiful photo.

So, why? As an entrepreneur, of course I’m aware of the importance of personal brand. So, combined with my twitter presence and this blog, it seems fitting to use tumblr as a “showroom” of my interests, of sorts.

What’s YOUR preference? Do you microblog – only? Do you run a real blog? Or do you also mix it up like me?

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