substratum theme engine Android Download in Personalization Tag

substratum theme engine Android Download in Personalization Tag

substratum theme engine Android Download in Personalization Tag |



substratum theme engine Android Download in Personalization Tag

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substratum theme engine


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This is the official, [projekt.] developed system theming engine to utilize Substratum themes! When using substratum themes, always use the official client, or CI builds available from our Telegram group:! Any themes run on external, third-party clients will NOT be receiving any support from the team nor the themes! Theme Engine Support:- Stock Nougat (RRO): Requires root, no exposures/themes may look weird.- Stock Oreo (OMS):– Rooted device will be able to use without any requirements.– Unrooted devices will need to buy this addon, and watch the addon’s video on the listing to know how to setup them!– Stock Samsung Nougat (RRO): Will need to buy this addon and boom, full support! Custom Nougat (OMS): Requires a custom ROM with interfacer installed!Our community:- Telegram: Google+: XDA: Reddit: CrowdIn: GitHub: JIRA (bug reports): get support, please use one of the avenues listed above, the email will not be responding as it is an autoresponse! We will REQUIRE replication steps, a logcat of a crash ( and device information such as what Android version/custom ROM, to be able to help you!What is new in this release:A ton of bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

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