The Concurrent Admissions Program is a program for Army enlistees. This program aims to link future soldiers to a college when they enlist in the army or army reserve. The army and army reserve recruiters refer the future soldiers to ConAP colleges in the places where they live. This program has created a partnership between over 1975 participating colleges, Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) and the army recruiting command. It is devised to encourage future soldiers to receive a college education.
Army Colleges Relationship and Credits
The Concurrent Admissions Program creates a relationship between the army recruit and the participating college that interests him. Participating colleges situated across the country identify future soldiers who are interested in studying at their institution. All of the colleges that are part of this program are members of the SOC. They follow excellent academic practices and accept various courses from other similar colleges. The American Council on Education Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services (ACE Guide) is followed to evaluate and to award credit for the various military courses. The courses are designed to fit the future soldier’s curriculum. Credit is also awarded for nationally recognized testing programs.
Education Benefits
Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) help the army recruiting command and the participating colleges with the implementation and management. It connects the army recruiters, army education centers, ConAP colleges and the higher education department.
The aim of ConAP is to increase the enrollment of soldiers, army veterans and army reserves in colleges and subsequently increase the use of GI Bill education benefits like:
- Army College Fund (ACF)
- Post 9-11 GI Bill
- Tuition Assistance
- Army Loan Repayment Program
- Enrollment and Eligibility
Soldiers can enroll for a course either during or after their enlistment. When a soldier conveys his intent to enroll in a particular participating college through email, the college acknowledges this and sends him details about the college and the course. He receives the necessary guidelines and instructions about admissions and details about academic experiences. He is given the necessary information to begin his education and contact details at the time of enlistment.
Students have to meet a few requirements listed by the college at the time of enrollment. The program enables a smooth direct transition from Army to the ConAP college. The Electronic ConAP form has made it possible for a substantial increase in the number of ConAP contacts.
Soldiers who are eligible include those enlisted for:
- Regular Army: Active Duty
- Army National Guard: Federal Active Duty
- Army National Guard: State Active Duty
- Army National Guard: Drilling
- Army Reserve: Active Duty
- Army Reserve: Drilling
Although the Concurrent Admissions Program is for new enlistees, retired soldiers who had enrolled for the program when they were in active duty are eligible.
The ConAP personnel run an educator/recruiter workshop throughout the year. The workshop informs individuals about the post-secondary opportunities for army and army reserve and highlights of the partnerships between the colleges, SOC and army recruiters. The personnel discuss how the colleges, in collaboration with SOC and recruiters, enroll and graduate students from the military. Visit one to find out about the Concurrent Admissions Program.