9 Killer Tips to Kick-Start a Great Blog

Nothing is more exhausting than the task that is never started. Maybe you’ve longed to start a blog but just the idea of writing articles for the blog – and being consistent – scares you? You’re not alone; I was there too and so were many others! I’m going to tell you my own story in an upcoming post. Meanwhile, I’ve come up with some ‘tricks’ I use on myself. The upshot of all of this is that it’s doable – very doable and pretty simple.

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Determine why your subject is important to your audience and what your objective is

Your objective should be not to cover so much information. After all, you’re not William Shakespeare neither are you writing the next great article for the New York Times but to accomplish something beneficial for your audience or visitor. You know online marketing is powered by content, and content is king. Even so, in this these days of crowded and noisy contents, less is more. Make every word count and you’ll save time without letting quality slip. When your objective takes shape, write it down. Keep reminding yourself of it as you prepare.

Settle for a theme

Your theme is not merely a broad subject such as might be represented by a single word. It is the central idea that you want to convey, and it indicates the angle from which you plan to discuss your subject. (Consider the theme of this very article as an example) For best effect, I analyse each main word carefully. I do some research and keep my mind open to get fresh ideas.

Gather informative, helpful material

After you’ve determined your objective and have selected a theme consistent with it, proceed to do research that is more focused. Look for materials that will be of particular value to your audience. I do not settle for generalities, but search for specific points that are informative and truly helpful.

Identify your main points

To help you develop your theme and achieve your objective, identify the main points. Let these serve as your framework, your basic outline. The fewer the main points, the more likely your audience will remember them.

Organize your material; keep only the best

Once you have your theme and the main points in mind, organize your research material. Decide what directly relates to your main points. Select details that will add freshness to your article. If some research information does not fit any of your main points, discard it – even if it is interesting – or put it in a file for use on another occasion. Keep only the best material. It is better to cover a few points that are of real value to your audience and do that well.

Use visual aids

Visual aids include pictures, maps, infographics or charts. A visual aid often makes a clearer or more lasting impression on the mind than does the written word. Therefore, when visual aids are coupled with the written words, information is received through two senses, helping to hold the attention of your audience and strengthen the impression made.

Prepare an interest-arousing introduction

The introduction is a crucial part of an article or post. Why? Because your introduction may determine whether your visitors will remain on your site or will leave – and leave for good. Therefore, in your opening sentences, say something pertinent that will get the attention of your visitors and that will contribute to achieving your objective.

Plan a motivating conclusion

In your conclusion, say something that is designed to move your audience to take action on what they have read. Remember that what is said in the conclusion is often remembered the longest. It influences the effectiveness of the entire article. A common and effective way to do this include a call-to-action button, a request to sign up for future articles, leave a comment, or download a material.

Review your article; refine it

It’s always a course of wisdom to review and refine your article before publishing. It saves you a lot of regrets and gives you a sense of accomplishment. To be sure, the process of analysing and refining is essential to shaping good material into an effective post.


You can become that amazing blogger you’ve always desired. To get there, though, try not to overlook the building blocks: define your objective, determine how valuable your subject is to your audience, analyse your theme, research to gather informative material, identify your main points, use images, prepare an interest-arousing introduction and motivating conclusion, and refine your article.

Follow these simple steps and you’ll be on your way to kick-starting a great blog in no time. Have you other valuable writing tips? By all mean, feel free to share them in the comment below!

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