Acci-Jet Program – Insurdinary – the best insurance compare platform

Acci-Jet Program

Get Protected From Accident and Soft Tissue Injury with Acci-Jet Program

Simplified issue insurance plans are flexible and suitable for those who do not want to be bothered about their medical history when procuring an insurance plan. With IA Excellence Acci-Jet Program, a simplified issue disability insurance product, you can get yourself protected against soft tissue injury and accidents.

The plan is specifically designed for accidents and soft tissue injuries but it can also be leveraged in the event of illness, although this is optional. The injury does not have to be work-related but IA Excellence Acci-Jet program guarantees a robust and comprehensive protection to the insured.

Available Options in IA Excellence Acci-Jet Program

To be eligible for this plan, the insured must be at least 18 years old and not older than 69. The insured must also have a financially rewarding job for 21 hours a week or equivalent. Furthermore, the injury must not be such that will limit your movement or daily activities and you must not have a permanent physical or mental impairment or a degenerative chronic disease. Additionally, the insured must reside in Canada or be a Canadian citizen.

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IA Excellence

IA Excellence

5055 Metropolitain Blvd. East, Suite 202

Montreal, Quebec

Customer Service

514 327-0020


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