Everything Must Start Small…

… and some things are better off if they stay small, too.

Scalability is the hottest thing you can say when pitching your business to bigtime VCs or promoting growth in entrepreneurship in political circles. Of course we want to paint pictures of ourselves building empires and becoming ultra-rich. (“A million dollars isn’t cool. Wanna know what is? A BILLION dollars” like the Justin Timberlake-played character says in that movie).

I’m relieved, even elated, when I read words of reason like the following, from the blog of Justin Vincent:

“The absolute truth is that each and every one of us can build a business that can support us. We don’t need to build a million dollar business to survive. We just need a regular paycheck. Just like the paycheck that we already get working for someone else, except it’s a paycheck we pay ourselves.

If you build a micro business it means you’re your own boss, you make your own rules, you live life on your own terms.

If you genuinely have the spirit of an entrepreneur inside of you, it’s perfectly possible to build a $10k/month webapp business that can set you free.”

… and this post will mainly act as an informal prelude to my following writings, in which I report from a few important conferences and other knowledge-heavy events I’ve attended recently. My mind is buzzing, so stay tuned!

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