Web articles are always in demand, but writing for the web is its own art. What you write in any other form (print, for example) is just not the same. Web articles have to capture a reader’s attention even though she has the entire Internet at her fingertips. It has to be scannable, easy to read, offer something she wants, and keep her interest. Get ready to write better web articles and make more money writing.
How You Read Website Articles Can Help You Write Them:
Think about the last time you read an article online.
- How long did you read it?
- Did you finish reading the entire article?
- Why did you finish it?
- Why did you not finish reading it?
In order to write a stunning web article you must understand what keeps the reader’s attention. It’s not the same as keeping the book, magazine or newspaper reader’s attention. The web is a fast paced place. While a nice magazine article can be 1,500 words, a web article should be much less: about 300-800 words. Any longer and you’ll likely lose your readers. After all, you do want them to read the whole article, right? It would be really nice if readers passed around your article, too!
Break it Up:
Break it Up:
Use tools to make your article easy to read. The computer screen can be rough on the eyes. You can ease the reader with some of these tactics:
- Bullets
- Italics
- Bold
- Numbered lists
Use these tools to make your web article easy to read. Keep your information short, simple and concise. The easier a person can read your web article, the more likely they are to finish it.
Entertain Your Readers:
If your article is drab and boring people are more likely to click away from it. Keep your readers entertained with your words. Keep your article interesting. A great way to do this is pretend you are talking to your best friend. Are you communicating with your writing the same way you speak to a close friend? If not, you need to loosen it up a bit.
Dos and Don’ts:
- Do use at least 12-point font
- Don’t indent your paragraphs
- Don’t use more than one space in between sentences
- Do check your work through Copyscape before publishing
Do you make money writing articles for the web?