Writing Jobs You Didn’t Know Existed

Looking for more ways to make money writing? Need to gain some clips for your writing portfolio? Here are some writing jobs you may not know exist.
Go local: There are always local businesses that need writers. Send out some emails to local newspapers, printing shops, small businesses, non-profits, and more. You can find great writing gigs in your backyard. It worked for me. When I first started out I sent out 12 emails to 12 different local newspapers. I don’t remember exactly what I wrote, but it was just letting them know that I was a writer available for work. I received one response, and that’s all I needed.
Book Reviews: You may have known about this one, but did you know you could make some pretty good money reading and reviewing books? Publishing companies, book review publications/websites, and more need books reviewed and are willing to pay.
Newsletter: Also known as an e-zine. Write weekly essays or articles and send them out to opt-in subscribers. You can use a free program like MailChimp, which won’t charge you until you have thousands of subscribers. Choose a subject you are interested in writing about, and you’ll be able to use your newsletter to secure future writing jobs and even win over publishers with your book proposals.
Game Writers: Many people make good money writing game guides for a wide variety of video games. Like to play? Why not write guides to help others and make money writing them while you’re at it? These could be for console games (XBOX, Playstation), PC games, MMORPG games, or handheld device games. Get paid to play video games and write about them. I once got paid to write a guide on FarmVille!
Abstracts: Write abstracts for medical journals, scientific studies, and technical papers. An abstract is simply a short summary of the study or paper.
Greeting Cards: Someone has to write those verses in greeting cards. Some are funny, while others are sentimental or romantic. There are plenty of greeting card companies out there seeking talented card writers.
Video Game Writers: Video game companies also need fiction writers to create story lines, characters, and more for their video games.
What kind of little known writing jobs can you think of?

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