What is Alexa traffic Rank and what does it measure?
Alexa traffic Rank is a ranking conducted by Alexa Internet, Inc which measures how well is a website doing in terms of traffic in comparison with other websites. It takes a combination of two things to rank any site( over the duration of three months) and increase your alexa rank.
- Number of unique visitors
- Number of page views
The website which has the highest combination of Alexa unique visitors and Daily page views is ranked #1.
So, in one sentence you can say, adding new visitors everyday and increasing page views to your website is going to increase your Alexa Rank more than any other thing.
To participate in Alexa Rankings, you have to submit your website to Alexa by installing a extension in your website.
Following are the 3 most important things you must do to successfully participate in Alexa Rankings:
1. Install Alexa Extension
Install the Alexa Extension on your site. Without it, you can’t participate in the rankings.
2. Get your site’s metrics certified
Go to Alexa here to start the process of getting your sites metrics certified. There is a free 7 day trial which will let them know that you want to participate in the ranking competition officially once you subscribe. This makes your site more recognized in the database of Alexa.
3. Encourage your visitors to write reviews
Whenever people write reviews of your website on Alexa, your website’s credibility increases. And so does the Alexa rankings. Always request and encourage your visitors to do that.
You can always ask even your fellow bloggers to write. And in return, you can write for their websites as well.
Now that you have successfully registered with Alexa;
Following are the best ways to rapidly increase your Alexa Rank:
- Write Unique posts frequently: Whenever you write unique posts, many other blogs want to link to your site. So, this automatically increases the unique visitors to your website. But always make sure whatever you write should be of high quality, engaging, informative and most importantly trustworthy.
- Interlink your relevant posts: If you seriously want to increase your alexa rank, then you must follow this. You should interlink every relevant post.
FOR EXAMPLE – If I am writing about “how to make money online” and I have to mention about websites. But a whole post about websites has been created before. So, people who don’t know much about websites can see that post. By keeping a link of this post in the new post I am creating, I will easily increase numbers of views on my website.
This is a very important thing that most of bloggers miss. If some post is relevant mentioning somewhere on other post, then don’t hesitate to do so. It increases your page views and increase Alexa rank.
Common and Best Tactics to Increase Alexa Rank:
1. Guest posts
Alexa is all about how many unique visitors a website gets. So, write guest posts and paid posts on others’ blogs. This helps you get a completely new audience to your website. And your rank will be soon increased.
2. Give Away Services/ Free material
Organize give away services every once in a while. If possible, provide something valuable for free to your audience; like a book or poster you created. This helps regular visitors get more connected and turn unique visitors into regular ones. This automatically increases Alexa Rank.
3. Search Engine Optimization
Don’t ever forget Search Engine Optimization. If your website is on the top search results then automatically number of visitors will be more on your website.
4. Blog commenting
Commenting on blog posts of other fellow bloggers can drive a lot of unique visitors to your own website. So, always try to comment on others’ blog posts.
5. Social Media
Try to share your posts on social media like Facebook, twitter or Google+. This helps you bring the old visitors (if they followed you in the past). If possible, create your own videos and post on youtube. Share your website’s link. Youtube can be the best source to drive completely unique traffic to your website.
Also, frequently visit to yahoo answers. If the questions are relevant to your websites, then you can answer the question and leave a link.
6. Advertise
If everything else is not working (it should be, if you are doing everything sincerely), then you can advertise your website on some other websites. This can also increase your traffic to some extent but you will have to pay for that.
Final Words:
Alexa only measures the rankings of the websites which participate in the rankings. And frankly saying, most bloggers don’t even know that something like Alexa Ranking exists. So, Alexa rank is not a fair and complete ranking. However, advertisers do take this as a big factor when they want to advertise something on your website. So, while monetizing a website, Alexa ranking comes to be a big factor.
If you are up to increasing your blog’s Alexa rank, what so ever, remember to increase the page views and attract unique visitors.
This is what I do to increase up my rank and it has worked pretty well for me. What measures have you taken?
Please let us know in comments.