Aclara Software offers energy companies Customer Care and Operational Efficiency solutions that integrate with enterprise systems


The Intelligence of Reliable Utility Performance™

Aclara Software provides energy companies with solutions that add value to the existing billing and metering infrastructure, allowing customers to better manage energy-driven transactions and decision-making. Aclara Software is used by more than 100 major energy organizations worldwide to reduce capital and operating costs and resource requirements as well as increase customer satisfaction.

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ENERGYprism® Application Implemented Across North America

March 13, 2008

Aclara Software Inc. (formerly Nexus Energy Software), announced that its ENERGYprism® customer-care solutions are gaining wide industry acceptance, with more than 75 utilities in North America now using all or part of the software suite. Utilities that recently contracted to implement new or expanded ENERGYprism solutions include

Ameren, St. Louis, MO; Dominion, Richmond, Virginia;

DTE Energy, Detroit, Michigan; Duke Energy, Charlotte, NC;

Florida Power & Light, Miami, Florida; Green Mountain Energy, Austin, TX;

Hydro One, Toronto, Ontario; Nevada Power,

Las Vegas, NV;

New Jersey Natural Gas, Farmingdale, NJ; Otter Tail Power Company, Fergus Falls, MN; and

South Jersey Gas, Folsum, NJ.


May 20 – 23, 2008

Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

San Antonio, TX

Aclara Software exhibiting

August 17 – 22, 2008

Pacific Grove, California

Aclara Software exhibiting

Harvey Michaels, Retired CEO, speaking

Aclara Software

16 Laurel Ave.

Wellesley, MA 02481

781.694.3300 voice

781.694.3200 fax

Aclara Software™  |  ESCO Technologies Companies

16 Laurel Ave., Wellesley, MA 02481  |  Phone: (781) 694-3300  Fax: (781) 694-3200  |

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