Choosing to change your career can be nerve-wracking at any time in your life. But it is especially so for adults in their 40s and 50s who have often spent decades climbing a corporate ladder only to have layoffs, corporate mergers, or other unexpected events kick it out from under them. Rather than start over in the rat race, many are finding that turning a lifelong passion, closet hobby or an exciting new interest into a livelihood offers freedom and flexibility they lacked before.
It’s not for everyone, but many workers “of a certain age” are deciding that – in a time of no guarantees – they are their own best hope for a stable, productive work life.
Find Your Passions
People beyond the age of 40 are realizing the value of life and how doing something you love can instill passion and fulfillment. Established career goals and high salaries are no longer main objectives, and aiming for something different can open a world of opportunities. Career changes for individuals at this age may sound like a risky idea, but you’ll find many who are getting in touch with their passions and changing careers.
Changing pursuits may be a necessity for someone who has been downsized out of a position that they’ve been at for years. This could prove a scary concept for many, but it can also be that “A-ha!” moment that allows you to pursue something you’ve always longed to do.
Career Coaching
A career coach is an experienced and knowledgeable individual who can help you in selecting the right career path. By listening to your wants and needs, they’ll be able to implement a plan. A coach can also assess your strengths, weaknesses and goals to determine what area you may be best suited for.
If you’ve always longed to open your own restaurant in the heart of Chicago, a coach can offer practical tips and suggestions to make your dreams a reality. When things are at their most challenging, a coach will offer guidance to get you back on track. Having someone in your corner is essential for when you experience doubts and anxiety for making the career change. They’ll be able to boost your spirits by offering ideas that garner results.
Sharpen Your Skills
But even the best career coach Chicago has to offer needs good raw material to work with. If you enjoy your present career, but you’ve grown stale with your ideas and experience, you’ll need some ideas for how to sharpen your existing skills and which new ones you will need to get where you want to go.
- Continuing education classes are one way to get ahead of the competition and allow you to forge your own career path.
- Surrounding yourself with success, as in positive individuals, can also tweak your career outlook and brighten up a stale job forecast.
- Networking, in person and online, is vital to helping you develop the contacts and support necessary for branching out into a new area.
It’s never too late to change careers and go after your passions in life. Whether you quit cold turkey and dive into a career as a comedian or dump the law briefs to open an all-organic bakery in Cheyenne, leaving one career for another may be a bold yet realistic goal for you.