How do you handle rude emails?
1. Have a No Immediate Reply Rule
Make a point of not routinely responding to any emails without thinking about what you want to say. That’s one of the biggest mistakes people make, even when sending positive emails. Read the email once then close it. Think about the email you want to write for at least ten minutes or more before writing back.
That should give your emotions a chance to calm down and your head to come up with the best way to word the reply.To make it easier on you, make a schedule of checking your email at the top of the hour and replying to your email at the 30 minute mark. That way you always have a chance to calm down before writing back.
2. Ask for Someone Else’s Eyes
With email, all we have to go by are words. That’s unfortunate because we pick up a great deal about a speaker’s meaning just from the tone of their voice and their non-verbal communication. As a result, our interpretation of a message may be off the mark. What might be a joke could be seen as an insult.
To reduce that risk, consider having someone else read the email and give you their opinion, too.You should also ask the same person to read your response to make you don’t say anything off-the-mark either.
3. Write out Your Comments Elsewhere First
4. Respond by Phone
5. Count to Ten
When an email really makes you angry, the best thing to do is step back, take deep relaxing breaths, and count to ten. By the time you reach ten, you should have cooled off enough to know what type of rational action needs to be taken.