Transferring from bank account to trading account is easy process. Once you provided detail to your Brokerage firm (Like Sharekhan), you can easily transfer money.
To transfer money from bank account to trading account (in my case Sharekhan) follow below steps.
1) Login to Sharekhan by providing your Login Id, Membership password and trading password.
2) Click on Accounts tab
3) You will see a page where you can mention amount that you want to transfer
From first drop down select Bank Account and from second drop down select Equity Trading account.
Select Payment mode as Your bank name
4) Now click on Transfer fund button.
5) You will be redirected to bank website login page
6) Enter your online banking user name and password
7) Amount that is going to be deduct will display. Check the amount and click on confirm button
8) An OTP will be send on your mobile. Enter one time password in bank website
9) Click Submit button and you will be redirected to Sharekhan website again.
10) Once transaction completed successful you will see an alert message
Alert message will be like Transaction successful.
How to confirm amount added in my trading account
Click on Account tab. You will see a section Balance. Infront of Equity you can see your balance.
Balance will be increased with amount that you transferred.